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Wednesday 20 October 2010

Block Fuse

Yesterday was a gorgeous day. The sun shone. The trees flashed their colors. The sky was blue. Everything seemed just a little calmer, more creative. I started working on the skirt in the morning and had two guest over for coffee in the afternoon. We had a wonderful time chatting in the studio. LOVE days like those.

The skirt is all together except for the side seams, the hem, and tacking the facings. I debated skipping knitting last night to stay home and finish it but, since there was no rush, I went. I plan to wear that sweater with this skirt so it might be good to finish both of them - LOL.

When I sewed fashions before, interfacing drove me crazy - lining it up with the pattern pieces, getting it fused just right, shrinkage. I don't do it that way anymore. Now, I block fuse, securely attaching the interfacing to the fashion fabric BEFORE I cut out the pattern pieces. In my opinion, it's a much superior way. Avoids shrinkage. Works like wonderful.

When the pieces are cut out, they're accurate and evenly fused. I think this method has less waste as well. I can place the pieces up close to each other and the only amount of interfacing that gets thrown away is what's in-between, which would also be true if I cut out the interfacing first. It seems that I make greater use of odd sized pieces that at one point would have been thrown out. Either way it works for me and...

... the end result is nicely shaped and evenly fused pieces. YES YES.

This package came in the mail yesterday. Three books and a bar of Kiwi-Lime soap from Anna, one of my students in Australia. She spoils me. I've received many lovely gifts from Anna over the years. She's an incredibly giving and generous person.

Two of the books are by Barbara Sher - Refuse to Choose and I Could Do Anything If Only I Knew What It Was. These are the ones about scanners and divers. I'm intrigued to read more. No guess that I'm a diver though - LOL.

The third book is Gift From The Sea by Anne Morrow Lindbergh. It's a beautifully bound, gift book with uneven, torn pages and a smooth cover. A delight to hold. Small. Profound. I feel as if the author has climbed inside my mind and written about my life. How amazing that a book written over fifty years ago is exactly current today. She talks about how busy life is, women's many roles and choices, being torn in multiple directions, and the lack of intimacy in today's society. Imagine how she'd feel now? I think of fifty years ago as the good old days. It's an eye opener.

Thanks for the well wishes with job hunting. Having made the decision, I'm excited to see where God leads and what work I will end up doing. I have some ideas. Maybe after I read Barbara's book I'll change my mind. We'll see. For now, I want a job that is somewhat repetitive so that I can excel at it relatively quickly, one that involves interaction with people, work that can be left at work at the end of the day and not brought home even in my head, and a paycheque every other Friday. That part especially sounds blissful after years of self employment. I'm exploring working in a bank as a teller, which is now called a Customer Service Representative. I've often thought that matched my wishes wonderfully. Once again, time will tell.

Talk soon - Myrna

Grateful - gifts


  1. Oh, I think you will enjoy reading Refuse to Choose, although it's written more with scanners in mind. I'll have to look for the other one.

    I think everywoman should read Anne Morrow Lindbergh's Gift from the Sea. It's simple but oh, so profound. I re-read it every year or two.

    Another book you might enjoy is called Selah. You might find it at a Christian book store. It's by Nancy Carmichael. The subtitle reads "Your moment to stop, think, and step into your future."

    I read it a couple of years ago when facing transition in life - what to do after full-time mothering has ended. I was going to mention it when you were here, but forgot. :)

  2. I'm still working through Refuse to Choose, although I am definitely a scanner, probably cyclical, and one who likes to get fairly deeply involved in things before moving on and coming back to them later.

  3. As an ex-bank employee, I can tell you that the Customer Service Rep will fit pretty well into what you are looking for right now. I did it for all the years my hubby worked shift and we were raising our kids, and sounds like what you want. Plus, you get to dress up:) But I am a nurse now, cause he retired and it's my turn to do what I want.
