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Wednesday 27 October 2010

Facings & Lacings

A social knitting group is not the best place to sew up seams and pick up stitches, especially if you need to pick up 66 evenly along two edges. Knowing that, I sewed the sleeve seams, picked up the stitches, and established the rib pattern on my sweater yesterday morning so it would be ready for last night.

Here's how it looked on Millicent in the morning after the sleeve seams were sewn. That little lump at the neck gets attached to the cross over bit once it's knit. You can't really see it in the image below, just a little bit, below her hair, on the right side of the picture.

The instructions call to pick up 66 stitches on one side of the front, knit a long ribbed section, wrap it around the back, and sew it to the other side of the front. A picked up edge looks different than a sewn edge. You can see that in the picture if you look closely. The edge on the right is the pick up one and the not as neat edge on the left is the sewn one. I ignored the instructions, picked up on both sides, and will simultaneously knit the lengths until they meet at center back using a three needle cast off to get a neat finish.

The timing was perfect. I finished prepping the sweater just before ten and then made a big pot of chicken soup for dinner. After that, I worked on the Vogue 2893 silk dupioni top. The sleeves are finished except for the hem and the front and back sections are sewn together. This morning, I'll work on the facings and the back lacing. Above, you can see the silk dupioni seam pressed open over the cotton-silk interlining. Pretty.

One of the women at knitting last night mentioned a sale on bras at a local store. Apparently they are in my daughter's size and selling for 9.99 and 12.99. I'll go see if that's true. If it is, I can mail them to her and she can take back at her store whatever doesn't work. That'll tide her over until lingerie month. After that - sewing.

Talk soon - Myrna

Grateful - progress on the top is coming along well. A nice feeling after the prolonged skirt project which I have figured out how to fix!

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