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Tuesday 11 September 2018

The Old New Blog

This is my new old blog or my old new blog depending on how you want to look at it. The original first post was so long ago that I don't even remember when it was although I do know that in November 2012, after eight hundred posts, I deleted the earlier posts and started over because both my personal life and my creative life were going in new directions. I called this shredding the blog. It didn't go over well with readers.

Shredding is part of how I approach life. I sift, sort, clean, clear out, organize, re-purpose, recycle, let go of, and move on regularly in most areas of life. I love the way a good clean creates new energy and flow with new purpose and passion injected into the same old, same old. With fabric. With yarn. With jewelry. With words. And blogging is no exception.

Earlier this year, in April, I felt a need for new energy in the blog. Because of how unpopular shredding had been the previous time, out of courtesy to my readers, I decided to start a new website and blog. Once it was up and running, it was interesting to note that only five percent of readers followed me there. The numbers had me thinking about what I was willing or not willing to do for other people and wondering about whether I wanted to continue to blog, and if so how and about what, and more importantly - since I needed to order new business cards - where.

A new direction for my creative work right now is exploring jewelry design and in particular statement necklaces. At even a slow pace, there will be far too many pieces for me to keep and I'm already researching selling opportunities. Knowing that, I have decided to develop my reputation under my name and am returning to my original website - MyrnaGiesbrecht.com - and to this blog which will be shredded and redesigned over the next few weeks. I'll be moving some posts over from the other blog and then continuing with new ones here. I know this will upset some of you. I'm sorry. I felt that it was the only way for me to inject new energy and to continue to blog.

Talk soon - Myrna

Grateful - clarity of direction


  1. I'll be following you. I like to see a bit of everything you do,I find your posts very inspiring. I've just retired and have slowly started downsizing, tidying, cleaning, sorting etc and when that's completed I'll start sewing, making accessories, being creative (I hope)

    1. Thanks. I've been sewing in the studio for the past couple days so I have a few things to post about soon. Good luck with your sorting and sifting. It's creative too but I know what you mean about getting back to being creative.

  2. I faithfully read your blog posts, but I don't "follow" in any official sort of way, since I have never understood How people Do That. Your blog is one of the few that I have put in my blog links on the sidebar of my blog, where I keep blogs I like to read whatever they post. I am sorry to hear that you were injured, and I am eager to read about your new directions in your creative journey... wishing you all the best!

    1. LOL - me too! I don't really understand how it works but I do know that if you click on Follow or BlogLovin' in the right column that you can sign up to receive email notification when there is a new post. Thank you for linking to my blog and for sharing my creative journey. I appreciate it. The leg is healing quite well, most of the bruising is gone now, and it's starting to hurt a whole let less. All good.

  3. So should we follow here or there??

    I think it's important consider your readers but also not to go against your own best interests for your readers. You have good things to say...we'll read them wherever!

    1. I'll be posting here from now on so this would be the one to follow. Thanks for your encouragement. It's much appreciated.

  4. As long s you keep us up to date when you change blog addresses, I’ll keep reading. Hope you are fully recovered soon!
