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Friday 8 June 2018

Blog Expectations

Getting started with this new blog is more difficult and taking longer than I'd expected. When I found myself avoiding posting because there was too many new things to figure out at the same time as I was busy working on the house and in my yard, I decided to revert to the familiar in order to get going. I'd intended to use both a new platform and photo editing software. That's not happening right now.

I'm spending a lot of time in the yard right now and not as much as I would like in the studio which means there's less to share and talk about. I'd rather under-promise and over-deliver so once I've put together these first few posts, I will post once a week until my studio schedule is back on track and then we'll see from there.

Please feel free to comment and ask questions. That reciprocal action on the part of the blog's community is really encouraging and - speaking personally - energizes me to share more of what I'm working on because I know it's of value to others. Your comments are appreciated. Thanks.

Talk soon - Myrna

Grateful - some pictures to post.

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