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Friday 31 July 2009

Being Brave

Creativity often calls for us to be brave - at least creativity that is prompting us to greater heights. It's easy to do the same old, same old and do it well only it can get boring, at least if you're like me. When we want to grow and evolve, it takes a deep breath and a willingness to just go for it, try it, and see.

After I'd layered the larger piece, I stitched the continuous lines across the sections and then drew a chalk line where the piece would be divided and cut it apart. This morning, I have two 36 x 24" sections. Once the circles are in place, I'll cut one of these in half resulting in the three pieces for the series. Working with the smaller sections will be a whole lot easier especially for the satin stitch around each shape. There's minimal bulk to stuff under the machine opening.

My goal was to be finished these three pieces by tonight, the end of the month. Even though I've been working steady this week, I dawdled around the last few, and it's not going to happen. A real strong push and it might but... we're going out for breakfast today and then Barb is leaving, I'm rotating the sheets and Bob & Ruth are coming tonight, and in-between I'm getting Kyle ready to go to camp tomorrow. It's a busy two days. I'll be lucky if I get any stitching done. AND... the next step is to paint the inside of the circles. That's tedious and requires drying time even if it'll look amazing. I'll let you know how it goes.

Have a great weekend - Myrna

Grateful: the decisions have been made on the pieces and all that's left is to finish implementing them

1 comment:

  1. Myra,
    I bought a piece of fabric about 1 year ago. I fell in love with it. When I showed it to my co-workers they stepped back several paces and said it wouldn't work.

    Back to the drawing board. This time I think I will take this loud fabric and use it in a traditional block where it will bloom and not overpower.

    Today is pay day. If I can get into the website I will be starting my savings for the serger.
    How exciting.

    Have a great weekend, Karen W.
