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Wednesday 17 February 2010

After Two Weeks of Nothingness...

Can you believe that it is actually the 17th of February? This year has been flipping by so fast that even the slow days are blurr-ish. Note to self. Live in THIS moment. Enjoy. Be here. YES YES!

I sewed the Simplicity 2892 blouse in stages trying it on at every step while evaluating if there was enough there to keep going. Here it is sleeveless on Millicent. I thought this look had potential for a summer blouse. Below are the neckline pleats. They're pretty and add fullness and interest without being overdone. I've always preferred tucks and pleats over gathers. On me, they create a smoother, cleaner line that's more flattering.

Totally off topic - yesterday on Oprah, Nate Berkus said something along the lines of EVERYONE buys things when they're feeling down and keeps stuffing a room putting another vase on the shelf and another picture on the wall until it's completely over-done. I'm paraphrasing as I couldn't find the wording on-line. That doesn't describe me. I might buy another piece of fabric for my stash and "stuff" it on the shelf but smooth clean lines describe my house as well as my clothing style.

I'm very much a less is more person. I've been asked where is your stuff?" With room decor, with art, with fashion, when you gravitate toward streamlined looks, there is no place to hide. Mistakes are glaring. I think that's one of the reasons I'm having difficulty with my shifting shape right now. Five pounds and things are off and when things are off, it's obvious and being obviously off is not my goal.

The armhole still needs trimming and finishing in this picture. I'll do that today. I was surprised to get it this far - in one day - after two weeks of nothingness. Look! Look! - a blouse! It has been forever since I've worn a non knit garment and - to be completely honest - it feels VERY strange although not completely undoable. I'll adjust.

Look at those butt wrinkles. SOON... I'll make a pair of jeans that fit way better than this. Meanwhile... I doubt I'd ever wear this blouse without a belt. It feels okay but looks shapeless and unflattering. I'd much rather show off my waist. I'm a lot more comfortable in these...

... belted images even though I'm not typically a belt person. Maybe I'm becoming one - VBG - since I've worn a belt a few times lately. Maybe it's more flattering now that I've lost so many inches on my waist. I don't think a matching belt would work for me. I feel like it screams old lady although, to be fair, I should try a longer, nicely knotted one. A narrower belt might work or even elastic at that position for more shape. I could sew a casing inside.

From the side, it looks like the back and front are both longer with an upward curve at the side seam. The back definitely is longer with the extension for my high hips. I want to keep that length however, the front apparently didn't need the curved hemline. When/if I make this pattern again, I'll do a bit more work on the hemline as well as lengthen it considerably.

I prefer tops that are about 2-3" longer ending just above the widest point of my hip. This back image is not too bad. I don't mind the way the blouse shapes to my back. The size fourteen back with the size ten front at the side seam worked really well. The underarm seam is positioned correctly, the circumference is distributed as needed, and the sleeves don't twist. The shoulder width, armhole, neckline, and upper chest are a size twelve. I've been making a fourteen up until now but I wouldn't want them any wider and anything narrower might feel constraining especially as I'm used to wearing knits. This seems to work... and it was very quick to make... finally.

Photography - some blogs have the most wonderful photographs. The women look like models in really pretty poses. I've been wondering how to do that. Do you use a tripod and take mega shots or...? I feel like so many of my pictures are unflattering because the guys are always in a hurry and seem to get me in shiny, rosy faced, messy haired, looking earnest, mid talking poses that really aren't my best shot - at least not in my imagination. In my imagination, I'm much more gorgeous - VBG - although I see it's time to trim my bangs - LOL. If you have any help on how to take photos, I'd appreciate the info.

Claudine wrote - Sometimes I have the opposite problem from your jealousy when reading blogs. I look at blogs and think, why isn't anyone sewing anything interesting? Then I go in my sewing room and work on something nice to post about and wear.

How fun. I love that any boringness that I (or anyone else) might have would inspire someone else positively. That's a great reaction and one I'm more likely to have when sewing is going well. I really enjoy make-overs, taking an older garment and refashioning it. I have a denim jacket with a lot of embroidery on it that I've been debating how to reshape as part of my SWAP. I'm not sure it would look like it goes with the rest of the garments I've made so far even though I find the idea interesting.

The term interesting has a different definition for everyone. For me, it typically involves a challenge of some kind, a puzzle. With clothing, what we find interesting is heavily influenced by our fashion personality and whatever stage of life we're at and our body type. What is a giant leap for woman-kind in one studio is not much of anything in another. Like today. A woven blouse is pretty common to most women and a major change for me. I've literally been living in knits for almost twenty years so wearing a woven blouse and then adding a belt is stepping right out of my box while the color, pattern, clean lines, neckline shape, and three quarter sleeves are all pretty common to me. Changing one or two things while keeping others familiar can be a good way to make transitions. LOVE trying new things. It's fun.

I just realized that I have no idea what I'm making next. Hmm... I think it's time to pull out the rules for the SWAP again and see if I'm on track. I know I have one more bottom garment to make as well as the choice one and perhaps two tops. I'll see if today's blouse works well with what I have. If not, making it again right away would probably work.

Talk soon - Myrna

Grateful - we have no answers and more questions about my husband's health BUT... tests are being done. This is good. Hopefully results are on their way.

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Personal Growth - May God our Father himself and our Master Jesus clear the road to you! And may the Master pour on the love so it fills your lives and splashes over on everyone around you, just as it does from us to you. May you be infused with strength and purity; filled with confidence in the presence of God our Father when our Master Jesus arrives with all his followers. - 1 Thessalonians 3

It's in times of stress that our true colors show. Years ago, my adopted grandmother had a debilitating stroke. When I would go to visit her in the hospital, I'm not sure she recognized me. Even though she'd squeeze my hand, it didn't seem as if she did however, since she couldn't speak, we were never quite sure. Even if she didn't recognize me, I recognized her. She became more of the worshipper that she'd always been singing songs of praise with her hand in the air, quoting scripture, and praying constantly. Her faith, her belief, her goodness, oozed from her. I've always been inspired by the beauty of her last days. While it was tragic, it was also incredibly encouraging. What oozes from me in times of difficulty? Am I filling myself with goodness? Am I supporting and encouraging others even in the tough times? That's my goal.


  1. I think you look beautiful in this blouse. It is well designed and well sewn. With or without a belt it is attractive on you.

    I wonder what it would look like with 1/4 sleeves for a spring or summer look?

    My pattern stash is growing as I approach my own decision to make some skirts and vests and maybe tops. When I start I hope I can make something equally as elegant as what you are turning out!

    Karen W. in S.W. Ohio

  2. It looks wonderful! As I scrolled down and caught the unbelted pics first I was already impressed with how great it looks on you, but with the belt - wow! It's fabulous! I'll be hoping that someone out there has some photo tips as well! My guy always catches me at the end of the day, after all of the makeup has faded and the hair is frizzy. I just hope people are focusing on my clothes!

  3. Myrna,

    I love your new top. And I think it looks good with or without a belt. I like the tucks. And it does look beautifully sewn. Wish I could have taken your garment sewing class on QU.

    Kristin F. in SC

  4. M - had a great chuckle with the photography comments -- I rarely have my photo taken because I always look like the "Before" picture (we all know what I mean (hee, hee, hee).

    Fortunately, your followers can see beyond the blurriness, the closed eyes, the caught in the middle of the sentence photogs, etc.

    I love the pics because they illustrate the point you are trying to make, and I really learn from them.

    I love this new blouse, it looks really sharp tucked in at the waist, and I can hardly wait to see what you do with it next.

    One other thought, perhaps you were in a "dry spell" because your subconscious was distracted by hubby's admittance...then yesterday when you found out it wasn't a full- admittance into hospital, but testing in the doc's office, sub-c went "WHEW" and unlocked that "block."

    Perhaps it was a blessing in disguise, your sub-c saying "we just can't handle one more thing...take a break from this."

    Although the worries aren't completely gone, you can handle it differently now.

    Praying for your family -

  5. YES, I love the blouse! Those pleats look fabulous and modern. What about a belt made from the same fabric? The belted photo really shows off your lovely curves!


  6. What a great top! I like the pleats at the neck and I especially like it belted. I just might have to go buy this pattern. I look forward to your posts sewing-wise, knitting-wise, and food-wise.

  7. Love the top!

    As for photos, I know that many of us use a tripod and timer. That allows you to take many photos with various poses and facial expressions and choose the one that best illustrates the point.

    When I had a better camera, I would take photos with a variety of settings to see which was better given the available light. Now I can only experiment with the height of the tripod as I am using a much more simple camera.

    If it interests you, there's an article on PatternReview with some useful information on photographing your garments.

    Your photos are always good, and I get lots of inspiration from them. Thanks for taking the time to share with us.
