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Thursday 4 February 2010

Two Out Of Three

Yesterday morning, I had a delightful coffee date with my exhibit partner Megs. One of those coffees where you chat and chat and could keep on chatting. Afterward, I stopped into the gallery to get some pictures and discovered that two of the pieces have sold. YES YES.

In the afternoon, I cleaned the bathrooms, the fridge, made a big pot of soup, and finished dusting and vacuuming the upstairs. Progress. Finally. Shiny clean is so much better. I love a clean house. It's so full of possibilities and room to breath and creative flow - LOL - even if you have to clean it to get that.

Last night, I went to my son's basketball game and ended up in a discussion with his coach over why he wasn't playing him. We have a huge difference of opinion on acceptable reasons for missing a game or practice. I don't find health or a time change that creates a conflict unacceptable but what do I know - I'm just the mother. Unfortunately, the coach is a young man with a quick temper and a strong need to be right. It was public and not pleasant.

Two out of three is not bad odds so how is it that one yucky event in an otherwise great day dominates? It was the dam burst for my rather frayed nerves. I cried last night and was awake at 4:30 this morning telling myself to let it go, let it go, let it go. He is young enough to be my son. If he was... hmm... I'd have something to say. He isn't. I won't. SO...

... moving on. Today, I need some space especially because - LOL - there's another game tonight. Thursdays are typically my sew all day day. I'll finish up cleaning the basement and then work on a blouse. I can't believe the week is almost over and I haven't even started a project. I've decided on New Look 6563 with the long sleeves. I'll baste the first one in and change them if I don't like the gathered cuff. I have LOTS of the indigo fabric and at $1.50 a meter, changing my mind is not a problem.

Talk soon - Myrna

Grateful - two sales

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Personal Growth - I'm not one for public scenes. Actually, I'm not one for conflict although most people are surprised to learn that because I will do what needs to be done. Yesterday's conflict was not an expression of success especially as I've lived with this personality type before and - after all the work I've done to overcome that way of being - I should have known better. I do know how to move forward. I'm working on that today.


  1. M - Why does the bad always outweigh the good? Why do we let it fester in us, instead of dropping it in a big hole where it really belongs? Why does it have this power to ruin an otherwise wonderful day?

    hang in there. You know it will get better. One of my friends always makes sure I get out for a run and then tries to make me laugh -- a really good right from the gut laugh. He knows that if I can laugh, I will heal.

    Perhaps you need to be the superhero who comes in (in a really great superhero outfit, of course) and using your superhero skills will illuminate the other possibilities to this young coach, whereby he will understand life a little better and do what is right.

    Hugs and Laughter -

  2. myrna, your exhibit is wonderful. Yeah for you and your friend!
    I just wanted to say that I do so enjoy reading your blog. You are such an encouragement to me.
