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Thursday 17 November 2011

Five Small Plain Blue Buttons

We had our first significant snow fall last night and the world is blanketed in white this morning. It's pretty and... from what they said on the news last night... it's going to snow most of the weekend. That's when pretty wears off and the joy (not) of shoveling begins.

Speaking of joy (not) I went to the dentist yesterday to have two fillings replaced. Apparently my mouth is getting old and starting to fall apart. Really? How not like the rest of me. While I know they meant well, I wish they hadn't asked me every two minutes how I was doing. I felt like a case... which I am... but let's not make it so obvious. I like my dentist but can't stand the dentist if you know what I mean - and - asking me every two minutes was driving me crazy. It's a little hard to protest when your mouth is stuffed full with rubber and cotton. Mumble mumble. After I take Kyle to work this morning, I'm going back. One filling is a bit too high and I can't close my mouth or chew. It's a new diet plan - how to be crabby, hungry, and thin.

I highly endorse STARTING. Once I did, I spent most of the day in the studio and had a fabulous time stitching. Ideas flowed. Just start. It's good.

After the two hands were stitched to the front of the bag, I embellished them copying the "wedding ring" idea from the Ruth bag. Rather than rings on every finger, JoAnna is the type to thoroughly enjoy one ring on each hand.

The large expanse of stitched taffeta seemed a bit plain. It's amazing how long you can spend in your button collection to come up with five... small... plain... blue... buttons. They add points of interest, fill in the background, and balance the developing design without taking over.

This button is from a black cardigan that JoAnna bought for me at second hand store. She would rather have bought it for herself but she'd reached her closet quota for that month and wasn't "allowed" anything more - meaning self imposed guidelines - only she couldn't leave it behind because there were seven gorgeous beaded buttons on a $2.00 sweater. It became my gift. I'm not sure if she'll remember but it seemed appropriate as did...

... this dragonfly bead. For years, every summer, we made a shopping circuit where we'd spend the day driving in a big loop stopping at whatever shops intrigued us. One of JoAnna's favourites was a gift shop whose name had something to do with dragonflies. I can't remember exactly but I do remember that they used brown bags with a stamped dragonfly on the front and that it's somewhere between Kelowna and Penticton. It's most likely not there any more but...

I'm working on the back of the bag now. It uses some more souvenirs of explorations which I'll show you tomorrow. A specific project like this contains both creative fun and creative push. While it doesn't necessarily have to be a gift, a project with a challenge and a theme and some guidelines can be a really good thing. And remember to enjoy the process. It's not all about the end project, it's about the journey to get there and - if you're lucky - you get a bonus masterpiece too.

Carrie - a strata unit means one where the maintenance is taken care of by fees paid. In our case, it's a townhouse complex although the unit we like the best is half of a duplex.

Remnant - Someone told me rather forcefully the other day that blogging is a waste of time. I appreciate the encouragement

Talk soon - Myrna

- to be stitching again and that my car is all wheel drive vehicle and safe in snow


  1. Ooh, snow. I love in November, December and the first part of January. After that it's just tiresome. We didn't have any here.

    So. I started. I cut out a muslin for the bodice of the dress and stitched it together. It's on my dummy and I know just how to fix the fit. Feels good. Today I'm going for a haircut, and a wander through town.

    JoAnne might not appreciate all the memory details you are putting into her bag, but it sounds like it's good for you to be reliving memories, both good and bad, and maybe coming to terms with the break.

  2. Blogging is a waste of time? Seriously? Not at all, I enjoy every minute of reading other peoples blogs and writing can be a theraputic process if that's what is needed or just a way to talk about your favourite interest to people who understand.

    That little dragonfly is a lovely addition. It's going to be a beautiful finished project.

  3. I have been following ur blog for some time now because I love ur point of view. So for me its been a pleasure and a sense of kinship. Ur recent bag project has been great to follow and its been very interesting reading how you speak of the women who inspire ur creative process in making the bags. I pray that this bag heals the hurt for you as well as Joanna. God bless you. Johnette

  4. I hope your mouth feels better quickly. The bag is going to be gorgeous. I love the dragonfly :-) I love reading blogs, I have learned a lot about sewing and a lot about life here. Thanks x

  5. We got our first big snow dump this past Sunday, I use a plowing service. More time to sew.
    I love your bags. Each one has been different and they all have been beautiful.
    I am working on a pair of pants using fabric that is not inspiring me and I have to force myself to work on. Last night I decided to dye them once I am finished; hope that gets me jump-started.

  6. Wow, snow.....it's supposed to be in the 80's this weekend. At least today was cool (60-70) most of the day. Blogging a waste of time?--that poor soul............. Enjoying your purse/bag journeys!

  7. I'm grateful you listen to your heart when blogging. These hands handbags have been thrilling to watch take shape and hearing the individual stories behind the hands has been such a journey. I pray this latest handbag will bless your old friend and, perhaps, provide renewal or closure for you.

    Myrna, your blogging about the real you, the comments about what you are thankful for, the way your life has been woven the last couple of years - the search for meaningful employment, the job acceptance, the accepting of the job, the difficulties of the job, the sorrow of having to walk away...just watching you walk in faith is such an encouragement to me at the current phase of life I am in....which is basically in between...thank you. Truly.
