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Wednesday 9 September 2009

Emily & Millicent

Karen wrote - You have such an upbeat attitude about life and its changes. Your postings are a great way to start the morning.

Thanks Karen. It hasn't always been true. I used to take everything personally (extremely so since I still tend to do that) and then I'd regurgitate the event over and over for days, weeks, months making it into some huge monstrosity that I lived and re-lived. That way of being only hurt myself.

There are reasons for why I went through life that way and while they are valid, they are not a prison sentence. Choice changes everything. About ten years ago, I chose to live differently, more positively, and to - as much as I am able (meaning I'm not perfect, I screw up) - conduct myself in a way that I could respect no matter the outcome. That has made a HUGE difference.

I'm still quite emotional. When I'm dealing with an issue, I feel it deeply only now, once I've made a decision, I am able to let it go and move on more easily - a good difference. I've found that this new way of being allows me to see the incident in a less biased and personal way and to think differently about the whole thing and that's learning that I can take forward as opposed to an emotional mess.

I've been told frequently that I'm too emotional. My take on that is that the rest of the world is under sensitive. When I told this to one friend she laughed and then said you are what you are neither too much or too little. What a fabulous way to look at it because my sensitivity is also what makes me highly creative and intuitive. I can't have one without the other. And it's only when you accept where you're at now that you can work toward something different in the future.

What was I saying about plans changing yesterday? Today, I planned to clean house only I forgot that Howard is on night shift and sleeping in our room and that Aryck only goes to university in the morning and will be home in the afternoon. It's hard to clean house while not making noise or to clean house with people underfoot - or at least that's my excuse for not cleaning house this morning. I'll do a quick run through on the bathroom and good and enough for now.

These either look like a pair of glasses or a bad bra. They're the toes of my socks. The second set of toes. I started the first set on smaller needles and was getting a dense, leather like fabric and sore fingertips. At Knit Night the ladies convinced me to start over with a larger needle and less stitches. SO MUCH BETTER - I was able to re-knit what took me all day in little over an hour. These will be so much more comfortable.

Speaking of bras. Remember last week when I mentioned that I'd like to take a bra making workshop? I googled and found one in Saskatchewan but I was hoping for something closer so I kept looking and have found one within easy driving distance. YES YES.

I also discovered that Sandra Betzina and Ron Collins will be teaching a 3 Day Extravaganza on Vancouver Island - very easy driving distance - in the spring. Perfect. Sandra is a BIG name in fashion sewing. I first heard her speak over twenty years ago and have admired her creativity and career ever since. A workshop with her has been on my wish list for years except that the cost of one in San Francisco where she lives (including the hotel, breakfast, the workshop, evening sewing sprees with her assistant, and dinner at Sandra's house) was $2,900.00 US plus travel costs. NOT in my budget no matter how wonderful it sounds.

Ron is apparently a big name in sewing as well and a Canadian. You can tell that I've been out of the fashion sewing loop because I had never heard of him up until a week ago when I read about his jean making workshop which I found while googling bra + workshop + jean. I was quite interested when I discovered a stitching conference in Saskatchewan in the spring that offered both classes. Bra and jean making workshops have been on my learn list for years. ONLY NOW... I can take a bra making workshop first and then a workshop with both Sandra and Ron and learn about sewing jeans, all in one go, all closer to home, with expert instruction. YES YES. I signed up and then...

... I called Caroline to encourage her to sign up too. She's thinking about it. Caroline, Chris, and I all bought dress forms. Caroline has decided to call hers Emily. As she was telling me that on the phone, the name Millicent popped into my head and she thought that was hilarious so our forms are now named Emily & Millicent. I just talked to Chris and hers will be called Gertrude. Too fun.

Karen asked what kind of form I had bought. It's a My Double Deluxe with the offset pole to allow for pants. Everything I read in advance said to buy the form smaller and then pad up so the one that I bought is slightly smaller than me at it's maximum size. That way if I gain or lose weight it should work. Assuming I actually do go for a walk, I may get smaller in the hips and waist. And then again - LOL - maybe not.

I didn't realize how much of an "art" there is to preparing the dress form. It's ludicrous thinking about it now so I'm not sure why I thought I could just dial it up to me and everything would be perfect. Not. Reality is that I need to dress my doll - LOL.

First thing she's getting a bra - a new one - the model I always wear. That will be padded to look as much like me as possible and then the measurements adjusted so that the bust circumference, bust point to bust point, and shoulder to bust point measurements equal mine. After that, I'll re-check the other circumference measurements and make a stretchy form fitted dress so that Millicent is sleek and smooth. Then, she'll get a sloper marked with vertical and horizontal lines for bust, waist, hips, center front, center back and so on. I'm having difficulty getting the center back length set and the sloper will help. Once that's done, I can sew using her. Dressing her this way will give me a chance to check my sloper again now that I've lost weight. A win-win.

Karen also asked about the fires. We've had cooler weather and quite a bit of rain and the storms haven't been as dry so things are more manageable right now. Megs is back in her home and my other friend is no longer on alert - a relief. I need to Google to find out more information. We tend to get a lot of media coverage for big fires threatening homes but once that settles down we don't hear how they're doing anymore. We've heard more about California than Kamloops for the past two weeks. There are a few on-line pages to read about the fire status but basically no news is good news for the most part and now that we're heading into the fall, things should really improve.

Talk soon - Myrna

Grateful - exciting workshops

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