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Thursday 21 January 2010

A Day In The Studio

If I had anything planned for today, I can't remember what it was. Perfect! I want to make a pot of lentil soup and spend the day in the studio. First, I'll have to pick up (yet still again) a few more groceries - fennel, apple cider vinegar IF it doesn't contain yeast, and a spray that isn't made from soy. Who knew that Pam was? Not me. I've read enough labels in the last few years to last me a life time. It certainly makes you inclined toward one ingredient foods. Surely a strawberry is a strawberry? No. I learned yesterday that fruits and vegetables including salad bars are sprayed with sulphates to keep them fresh looking. I'm not allergic to sulphates BUT... I'm now washing everything extra carefully.

It's intriguing to me what we as a society have done to ourselves by our fixation on looks. Individually, we might make different choices however, collectively, we'll buy shiny, bright and chemical laden over dull, slightly blemished, and healthy. And that just goes on and on. It ties into our discussion about Crystal yesterday. Looks aren't everything... or are they? If they are for our society and not for us personally, how do we walk differently?

OH... and some almond butter for protein on celery sticks. What interesting food I'm eating. Eventually, I'll find a new way of being. It'll work.

The yoke and the waistband have slightly different curves which meant the plaid lines only matched sort of. They were on in the center and off toward the edges. I stitched them together, pressed the seam, and started an internal debate. Yes, it doesn't match. No, you can't buy more fabric and make a different skirt. Yes, there is a solution. No, you won't just wear it like that even if you don't tuck anything in. A few minutes of that and I went to knit.

I've re-started the sleeves. Now that I know how to space the increases and how long I want them to be, I'm knitting the two together and using markers to tell me what I did and what to do. A couple inches of knitting and I knew what to do on the skirt. I love how when we remove the pressure of coming up with an answer by doing something else, the answer appears. YES YES!

There was enough left over fabric to cut the yoke pieces on the diagonal. This piece is just laying on top. Even though it's not stitched yet, I already like that look a LOT better. It's purposeful instead of hit and miss. Now that I've resolved that question, there is a hope that I might finish this skirt today.

Talk soon - Myrna

Grateful - several friends keep emailing cooking ideas and links to books and information. I really appreciate how much they care.

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Personal Growth - I'm reading The Naturopathic Way by Christopher Vasey, N.D and - finally - a light bulb has gone on. He talks about balancing the body's terrain and about how all illness stems from that terrain being out of balance. In particular, he's talking about bodily fluids and their jobs of keeping things flowing, cleaned, and detoxified and of removing "yuckies" from the body. Suddenly I get it. When I'm not drinking enough water, there aren't enough bodily fluids to move toxins along. The creek runs dry. When I'm not eating healthy, it's like trying to clean with cold, dirty water. When I don't exercise, it's like trying to sew with a blunt needle. In other words, when I don't do the things that need to be done, my body's terrain is out of balance and unable to fight off present illness AND I did it to myself. Isn't that something I wish I'd understood sooner - VBG.


  1. Your yoke solution is perfect--brilliant idea! Those bright mind flashes are great, aren't they?

  2. When I saw the first picture I was thinking that maybe you should cut the band on the bias, so I'm glad to see that's what you've done. It looks great. Just this morning I was looking at some purple fabric that would make a nice blouse to go with this skirt. I really like the colours in your fabric.

  3. Your problem became a design element! I like it much better that way than I would have even if the plaid had lined up the other way.

  4. Myrna,
    the bias band looks great - I agree with the others, much better than lining up the stripes.
    Lyn in Australia
