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Monday 21 June 2010

WHO Was I Trying to Kid?

As soon as I hit post on Friday, one of those what if thoughts crept into my head. What if you re-did the front half of the skirt? I'm just not the type - try as I might - to leave a known blemish on the front of my skirt IF it's fixable, especially on a skirt that I know is going to get a lot of wear. So I pulled out the leftover fabric and...

... there wasn't enough for a whole new front but there was the perfect remnant. I doubt there is anything else I could have made with this little bit of fabric that would have been a better choice than new center front panels that staggered the designs. Just to be sure, I pinned and checked and then checked again before cutting the pieces.

And then I checked again before sewing. Even though I removed and restitched the waistband, the three seams, and the double rows of top stitch on each seam, the "fix" took less than half an hour. And to think that I tried to avoid it. Little pain. Great gain. I like the skirt a LOT better now and I won't be forever apologizing or pointing out the obvious flaw every time I put it on - if only to myself. WHO was I trying to kid?

I intended to wear the skirt to church yesterday and debated working at warp speed Saturday to get a knit top sewn to go with. I pulled the fabric and picked a pattern but was so tired from picking Kyle up late and dropping him off early for work that I opted to sit in the curl up chair and knit, which turned out to be a good choice because...

... I spent midnight to 4:30 Saturday night and all day Sunday at the hospital with Howard. I got a lot of knitting done and may just finish this sweater while we try to figure out what's going on. The latest theory is a slipped disc. He's having a CT scan today. We'll know more then. He's in tremendous pain. I hope they have an answer soon - for him and for me. I have seen more than enough of hospitals over the last few years. Oh well. Nobody asked me. Guess where I'm spending my day?

Talk soon - Myrna

Grateful - excellent medical coverage


  1. Sorry Howard is not feeling well. Ugh, back pain! You're right--at least no worries about medical coverage.

    The skirt looks so cute. I could tell it was bugging you before. I hate having to go back and fix things like that, but ultimately I end up happier in the long run.

    I hope you get some rest. Best wishes for a speedy recovery to Howard.

  2. Oh, back pain is nasty and I do wish Howard a speedy recovery.

    Love your skirt fix and so glad you are happier with it.

    Take care of yourself and your family.

  3. Great fix on the skirt Myrna. It looks like a very nice skirt.

    I hope Howard mends soon and the pain goes away. It is such a pain (no pun intended) to be in such pain. (I am tired and stuck for words).


  4. I am so sorry about your husband's health issues and how hard it must be for you. Your skirt does look very cute - enjoy wearing it.

  5. I will pray for Howard and you for healing and wisdom. May you both be comforted as you trust in Him who is the Great Physician.

    Your skirt does look better. It's hard to believe how quickly you were able to fix it. Good job!

    PS I've had two spine surgeries and learned quite a bit on this website: www.spine-health.com
    (I hope it's ok to mention it.)

  6. I hope he feels better soon. :)

    The skirt looks good! I like the print. Sometimes small changes here and there can mean the world.

  7. My prayers are with you and Howard. I know only too well what it is like to commute back and forth to a hospital when my DH was in for three weeks. I know that God will give you both the strength to make it through this will wings on your shoulders.

    I love the skirt! I am still back and forth on the skirt I want to make.

    Karen W. in S.W. Ohio
