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Friday 6 July 2012

On The Move... AGAIN!

Numerous titles for today's post have flitted through my mind. Titles like Feeling Fat & Frumpy, The Drama Queen, or Living With An Artistic Temperament to name a few. Yesterday started out just fine. My plan was to clean the house in the morning and spend the afternoon in the studio except my hairstylist called just before eight to ask if I'd been reminded of my appointment - that morning - that I thought was today. It was at nine which gave me enough time to get there but threw everything off balance. The rest of the day ended up dark cloud gloomy even though outside there was - finally -sunshine and blue skies. Don't you just hate days like that, when you know the problem is you?

This move was my idea. I thought living in a townhouse would be much better for Howard and it has been and he's as happy as happy can be. As he puts it - I'm adjusting way better than you are. Yes. It's not townhouse living. It's not even this townhouse. Even with the rough beginning and the nosier than I thought traffic, I like it - BUT - I'm finding it incredibly difficult to find my place and flow. The older I get, the more influenced I seem to be by my environment. It's that artist temperament. SO...

... my studio is on the move... again! This time to what is currently the guest room. The main area is 12'6" x 8'8" plus an 8' x 2' bay window and a 4' wide closet. The way I have it measured out and planned, my current island will be taken apart and placed along one wall with my current desk top over it and the white cabinets above. This will create a 103" x 26" working surface reminiscent to one I had several studios ago. That's important. I know it works. The two sewing desks will go face to face near the window with the design wall to the right of the picture above and Millicent between the closet and the working surface.

My computer desk will go in the closet with shelves above to hold what is currently in the overhead cabinets. The fabric will go in the closet just across the hall which currently holds Christmas and linens. Those will go downstairs. Factored into this plan is the fact that we're getting an island for the kitchen in a few weeks. The kitchen is just around the corner from the new new new studio. When I'm pressing large pieces of fabric, I can do it there and I already cut out clothing on the dining room table.

It's been interesting trying to find my space in this house and I appreciate how understanding my family is being as we shuffle my considerable stuff around again and again. Luckily, there are only so many places to choose from with this being the last option. Hopefully, it's the best. It'll have defined boundaries, a door, a window, and no carpeting. That might be the happy combo. It'll also allow me to have two sewing desks which has become important to me as I like that second desk not only for my serger/coverstitch machine but for the friends who come over to sew.

It's also been interesting how much downsizing I've done. The fabric shelves are gone with all the fabric now in the closet. The curl-up chair is gone - and I miss it - but the living room is nearby for handwork. The island is changing configuration. The computer desk - which I mentioned earlier was much bigger than I now needed - is shrinking by half and I'm oozing into the main area occasionally, something I've never planned for before.

Perhaps it's getting rid of fluff and streamlining and making super efficient. I hope so. All I know for sure is that I spend the majority of my time in this space and it needs to feel both efficient and organized and comfortable and at home when I'm there. With this plan, there is still free floor space to allow for movement, surfaces to work on, storage for all that needs to be stored, and room for what's important to me. That sounds good - in theory. I'll let you know how it's going on Monday.

Talk soon - Myrna

Grateful - an understanding and supportive family


  1. Whew! Makes me tired thinking of all the moving and rearranging. (but then, I hate moving-rearranging I can tolerate every now and then). Hope this is the one that works for you. I'm afraid my DH would look at me and say, "I love you, but you're on your own. Call me when its over." LOL

  2. Long story short. Yesterday I was lamenting that I needed to rearrange my studio again. (I just moved it down three floors and did a major re-work in Jan.) I added a recliner because I need to stretch out now and then due to serious back problems. Anyway, you came to my mind, with the moving etc. I suppose there was some telepathic empathy going on. Some of us are not easily settled, I am glad to know it is just not me!

  3. Sorry it's been hard for you to find a place to land in the new house. Glad there's the flexibility to try out different spaces though!

  4. I find that it takes at least a year of living in a place for the place to tell you how it wants you to live ... if that makes any sense! Somewhat creepily, the house I now occupy tells me in dreams what color it wants the walls and exterior doors to be ... I'll peel off horrible old wallpaper, or sand faded old paint off, to get ready for fresh paint, and reveal that exact color was buried underneath, all the time.
