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Tuesday 17 July 2012

Out In Public Pants

There's a group of guys that go every year to CreationFest in Washington, USA. Howard and Aryck started when Aryck graduated from elementary school roughly ten or eleven years ago and Kyle started when he graduated. Who goes with them has evolved over the years. This year, it's Howard, the boys, and one friend. Works for me. I plan to have just as much fun home alone - doing whatever I want - which includes a lot of sewing - right after I give the house the good cleaning it's so desperately in need of.

The little coat is substantially finished. It needs the underarm seams sewn, a collar, and hemming. It's quite stiff so I've put it through the washer several times only I have one of those new washers without an agitator - which I dislike immensely but that's another story. My friend Sharon has a "real" washing machine. I'm going to send the coat over there for a few washes and then decide how to finish it and what to do about center front. Right now, the zipper is pushing forward too much and if it doesn't soften up, I may not finish it since it'd be uncomfortable to wear - which might mean recylcing the recycling.

Thanks for the suggestion about used clothing Carrie. I've been doing that for a long time - with my own clothing and with bought pieces - and it's fabulous. Several years ago when I was sewing in Port Townsend and needed a lining for a jacket, I bought a flared skirt. Even more years ago, when my daughter was taking high school sewing, I did a demonstration for the class and arranged two piles of fabric. One cost well over $100.00 and the other was under $10.00. When I unarranged the piles, one was yardage and the other clothing. The kids were pretty impressed. I had hoped to get them thinking about more sources of fabric than the obvious. In the workshop, Diane showed a lot of her work done with recycled garments. AMAZING work.

Next up, something for me. I showed my oldest son the envelope for V1116 and told him I was making these. He got that look. When I asked if he'd go out in public with me, he said he wasn't sure to which I replied that I was pretty confident he would if I was paying the bill - LOL. These aren't what I'm sewing next but they are on my list. The one review makes them sound like a lot of fun to sew and to wear.

I am sewing Marcy Tilton's V8712 pant pattern.  Apparently, these are better out in public pants. The pieces are traced and adjusted and ready to go. I made them about 2" longer so they'll be ankle as opposed to calf length which should be more flattering on me. I've seen the pants in real life and this pattern cover isn't doing it any favours. They are much Much MUCH nicer in person which is a reminder to always look at the line drawings.

I'm making view C with the extra seaming and fly front. In the reviews, a lot of people left off the waist darts and zipper and used an elastic waist all around. To me, that defeats some of the great features of this garment especially for those of us with larger hips, high back hips, and smaller waists. As is, it can graduate between sizes well, fit in tight at the back, and lie smoothly over my tummy. I'm all for that. The pattern calls for a knit and I can't see any reason why other than hand and drape so I plan to use a woven as did several reviewers. We'll see what happens. First... acupuncture and then cleaning and then digging into the stash.

Talk soon - Myrna

Grateful - yesterday morning I sat downtown outside the coffee shop at a table in the sunshine and listened to the birds and watched people scurrying to work and thought about how lucky I am to be doing the work that I'm doing and to be supported in those choices by my family and friends and especially my husband.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Myrna:
    I think the pants are great - but as the mother of a teenager (soon to be 14), I can just imagine "the face". I get it periodically now accompanied by, "You're not wearing THAT are you?"! Funny!
    I love the idea of using second hand clothes for sewing. I'm teaching a high school Fashion Studies class (I'm a Home Ec teacher) in the fall in a school where finances are an issue for many students. I like the idea for them of turning something into something else for less $$. It's a cool, crisp, sunny day here. Hope you have a good one!
