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Thursday 6 May 2010

A Bad Hair No Make-Up Day

The boucle-ish fabric is an unmatchable shade of pink with flecks of purple, periwinkle, and gold. Since our local button selection is nowhere near extensive, finding a color match was out of the question. I know it's hard to see in this image but in real life - really, truly - this metal button has a gold tinge, almost like an antique copper, that picks out those flecks in the fabric. With a shank, it was perfect for the layers of the front and facing.

I intended to get an on the body photo yesterday however, it was a bad hair, no make-up day so that wasn't happening. I don't mind plastering five hundred million pictures of my butt end all over the Internet but NOT of my make-up-less face! Here's the jacket on Millicent who - LOL - looks a lot like me. I'm going to wear it out for breakfast this morning and will try to remember to ask my friend to take a picture. We'll be talking pictures. She does amazing photography work and published a book of photos last summer. I want to discuss my business idea with her and get feedback on taking images that will work. I'm still excited about the idea. It just may happen. You never know.

Thanks for all the comments on the jacket. I really appreciated them. I am so excited about how well the sleeves fit that I've decided to make another version of the McCall's 6035 blouse right away to test my sleeve theory. I'm using the shirt weight, denim-like fabric below.

This fabric has good memories. I bought it at the Fabricland in Vernon last summer. My friend Caroline was visiting. We took a road trip and spent over three hours in the store looking at patterns and piling up fabrics. I'd call her to come see this, I think you'll love it and she'd call back with this is so you. The staff got a real kick out of us. They actually thanked us for coming in and said it was fun to see two friends who knew each other so well and obviously loved sewing. Yes and yes, we do.

sdBev wrote - I enjoy reading your blog and your comments on SG. I find your ideas stimulating in a very good way. Many blogs I read and then click away. Some how I always seem to need to "talk" with you.

Thanks Bev. One of the reasons I started the blog was because I felt so isolated and out of touch, lonely. I really enjoy people and a good conversation but I especially love talking about sewing and creativity. I'm just a little bit passionate about it - LOL. It's wonderful to connect with other sewists and to have someone to share ideas with and get feedback from. It's so frustrating when I have a question or make a discovery and there is no one to ask or share with. I've started to figure out participating at Stitcher's Guild but not at Pattern Review yet. I'm hoping to manage that soon and meet even more sewists.

The buttons did me in. There they were standing next to the pattern cabinets and McCall's was on sale for $3.49. Never mind that last week they were $1.99 at Club BMV. Apparently, I still "needed" some. The shirt above is Palmer/Pletsch 6076 with two different sets of princess seams. A basic shirt. Nice collar.

LOVE the back of the red view in McCall's 6078. Can't remember whose blog I saw this on recently but it looked fabulous. Simple draping for summer.

I'd like a jean jacket but not a square boxy one. McCall's 5860 is another Palmer/Pletsch pattern. The review on PR said it had nice shape. That's what I was looking for.

Isn't this a GORGEOUS coat? One of the reviews I read about this pattern mentioned how "trendy" it was right now. I found that interesting because I don't see this as trendy, I see it as me. I'd wear this shape in or out of style because it will flatter me and that's far more important. What do you think?

This knit was on the discount table. Howard loves it. He came into the studio last night while I was starting the blouse and said aren't you sewing with that new fabric. It's way more exciting than that other stuff. Men! Wearing leopard print is not going to turn me into a wild woman - LOL. I have five meters. I can't decide on a dress, a t-shirt like the one above, or pajama pants or all three maybe... just not in the same season perhaps. Have a great day.

Talk soon - Myrna

Grateful - doing such an amazing job on the jacket. This is my best so far garment since returning to fashion sewing. YES YES!

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Personal Growth - Blessed is she who....

Yesterday, I was having such a fabulous time in my studio. I finished sewing the jacket and started the blouse. I kept thinking about how wonderful this is and how lucky I am to be on a sabbatical, to have the time and the supplies and the support to just create. It's taken eighteen months so far and finally, I'm beginning to feel myself unwind and to feel little bursts of enthusiasm about possibilities in the future. This is good.

Carolyn posted Seventeen Weekends Until Fall the other day and darn near sent me into a panic. Fall. Already. LOL - her title made me think. There are about sixteen weeks of summer sewing left. LOTS of time. LOTS of fun. YES YES!


  1. Your jacket turned out very well. I hope you write up your forward shoulder adjustment method because I too have that problem. Only more so!

    Honestly I'm surprised that it took you so long to realise that it's the patterns that are wrong not you! You are lovely just the way you are. Patterns are designed to a standard that doesn't really exist.

    Back to cleaning up the studio enough so I too can sew. (Raw stinky wool fleece is not conducive to cutting out fabrics! Just sayin'.)

  2. Your jacket is gorgeous. Can't wait to see the photo your friend takes with you wearing it.
    My sister lived in Vernon for many years where she was a school teacher and principal. She has retired back to Nova Scotia.

  3. That is one amazing jacket! The McCall's is totally you as well. I love that dramatic collar!

  4. Myrna,
    I love the pink jacket and it looks wonderful on you. I also think the other jacket will look good on you too with the shaping it has.
    I was looking at the Palmer Pletch blouse also and may get it to make for a nice basic blouse. I do like the princess lines.
    I hope that summer lasts a bit longer than Labour Day in our area. I haven't started my six pac yet though I bought 5 meters of black 6 oz denim in 100% cotton. I have the Fabricland in Grande Prairie bringing in 10-11 oz black 100% cotton denim for jeans and do hope it comes in before I leave. I want to get some of it - like 5 meters.

  5. Myrna,
    Congratulations on your success with your jacket! It looks fabulous.

    I can relate to your sleeve frustrations. I have had my "sewing meltdowns" as well. My standards exceed my abilities. One thing that is moving me forward by leaps and bounds is reading blogs like yours. It is so nice to have virtual friends and sewing mentors with whom to share triumphs and frustrations. :)Deb

  6. I really like the jacket pattern you've chosen. Both the collars are so different but interesting in their own way. And I love the shaping.

  7. You know it's funny, I received quite a few comments to that 17 weekends until fall post which really was meant for me not to squander the time. Because the weather is nice and because it seems like I have more time than I actually do during the summer, I tend to let things roll...I don't want to do that this summer! Sorry to send everyone into a panic!
