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Monday 28 February 2011

Absolutely Nothing

It's amazing how a full day of work zaps my energy. Hopefully, I'll adjust to this working stuff soon. It's frustrating to come home with the evening ahead of me and yet do nothing - like Saturday. After work, I read a book. I was exhausted.

Yesterday was one of those ugly days. Those of you who are mothers can relate. It was one of the ones where you're completely worn down by a particular battle, a day of alternating tears and upset. You know how it goes. Not fun.

SO... no sewing to report. I'm working this morning, out for coffee with a friend this afternoon, and back at work tomorrow. Hopefully, there is some time and some energy to work on the dress later today. Once I get beyond the zipper, it should finish quickly although it hasn't moved off the work table since Friday. I have been thinking about a short cropped sweater to go with. Does that count - LOL.

Talk soon - Myrna

Grateful - a new day


  1. Thinking about a project ALWAYS counts!
    Karen W. in S.W. Ohio

  2. Olá, não importa em que lugar do mundo estejamos, sempre podemos ter um dia ruim. O melhor destes dias é poder chorar até ter ólhos vermelhos e depois ter com quem contar. Estamos aqui por você. Que venham dias melhores.


    Eilane - Brasil

  3. Myrna I retired 4 years ago. last year I thought I'd take a part time job. I swear it ate more time than a full time job plus I was always ill. Not bedridden but never felt good. After my first full check, I sat down and figureed my taxes. At that point I said, this isn't worth the effort and quit. Hope you have better luck.

  4. Virtual sewing is still sewing, as it tends to speed up the actual sewing once you can get to it.

    Peace to you!
