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Tuesday 13 March 2012

Me In My Studio

Howard arrived back home just before noon yesterday. He was away for eight days at a training conference. It was bad timing and the way things seem to be going in our household lately because after a whole lot of empty space when we could have easily moved, our move has now been snuggled inbetween a bunch of other plans. And then the surgery too.

Every night when he phoned to see how I was doing, he'd ask if I'd been in my studio. For him, me in my studio is a measure of how well things are going. He was getting more and more stressed when I kept saying no so when I did finally get in there for a few hours on Sunday, it made him feel a lot better. Yesterday, he commented that it was great to see me sewing. He has always supported my creativity in a big way. I'm very thankful for that.

I'm working on a housecoat. Mine was so ratty that I finally threw it out in desperation or I'd have kept wearing it. My preference is for flannel housecoats that button up the front like this OOP McCall's 3445 pattern. It's basic with dropped sleeves and a one piece collar. My pattern is a Lg, Xlg and the shoulders on the jacket seemed quite wide except... when I compared them to...

... the shoulders on the small size of McCall's 2476, they were actually narrower. Go figure. A size tells you nothing. This second pattern is the one I sew pajama pants from which is a good thing. I bought the flannel for the housecoat on Friday when I still wasn't thinking particularly straight. As I drove into the lot, I calculated that 1 1/2 meters for the front, 1 1/2 for the back, and 1 for the sleeves should do it. And then I bought five. And that is - apparently - enough for a housecoat and a pair of pj pants. I'll sew those next.

The housecoat is almost finished. I'm ready to sew on the buttons. There were eight green ones in stash that matched perfectly. LOVE when that happens. It'll be done by tomorrow I hope.

This morning, I have an acupuncture appointment and then I'll go to Starbucks for an hour to journal and study. I was there yesterday as well and it's nice to be back in my normal routine even if it's with not quite my usual energy levels. That'll come. Tonight is knitting. I haven't decided if I'm going yet. We'll see. Inbetween - finish the housecoat.

Talk soon - Myrna

Grateful - the doctor's office phoned yesterday afternoon and the biopsy results came back fine, fibrocystic changes only. Just the visit with the surgeon left and then everything - hopefully - is settled out and on its way back to normal.

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Personal Growth - ... and I have put wisdom in the hearts of all the gifted artisans that they may make all that I have commanded you. - Exodus 31:6

In Experiencing God, the author talks about how when God calls us to an assignment we won't necessarily have the skills that we think will be required. God will call us first and equip us second. The author gave the example above of Moses being called to lead God's people out of Egypt and to build the Tabernacle. The example was about Moses but what caught my eye was the verse about the artisans. They were already gifted. They were being called to a bigger task, one that they would define as beyond their ability. God gave them the wisdom to accomplish that task. This example made me think about artistic experiences that I might define as beyond my abilities and whether those experiences might be ones that God is calling me to for His purpose.


  1. Glad to hear all is well with the biopsy.
    Hope you get the housecoat done. The colour looks really nice.

  2. The biopsy results are great news.I am so glad that you got them so soon.
    Moving and surgery sure can deplete your energy reserves. I find when I have anesthetics . Take it easy and take time to rest.

  3. Great biopsy news to hear. And a cozy, take it easy housecoat is a welcome pleasure.

  4. I am so happy that your results are good. Life takes us on a perilous journey, may yours get a little easier soon.

  5. So thrilled to hear you are well!

  6. I am relieved to hear the results of your biopsy.

    Lois K

  7. Myrna, so happy to hear of the good results. I wish you every happiness as you continue through this challenging chapter of your life. Best regards, Lyn in Australia

  8. Wonderful news about the biopsy results! I'm sure you're relieved. Life has a way of happening in spurts, doesn't it?

  9. Praise the Lord! It's so nice to have prayers answered "yes" - and to be able to give God the credit.

    Myrna, like Howard, I too am happy you're back in the studio. He's a wise man. In fact, I'm going to share this with my dear hubby. If he thought about it, I think he'd see a correlation between me sewing and me happy. :-)

  10. I too am glad to hear that the results came back fine!
