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Friday 9 March 2012

The Fat Studio

Like we're doing, one of my friends recently moved to a townhouse and another is redecorating her living room. The other day we were talking about becoming tired of this or that item that at one time we were so totally thrilled with. I commented that it would be sad if that didn't happen. It would mean we were stagnant and not changing.

On Sunday afternoon, I put out all the items for the Sewing Room Sale. There is probably more in this sale than some people have in their studio. My studio is a 37 year collection. It's fat - but not in a derogatory way. It's a space filled with potential and flavour. In the eight years we've lived in this home, my creative life has grown tremendously. Back then, I sewed traditional quilts and the odd garment. In between, I've learned an incredible amount about a variety of subjects and as you know...

... I'm a lover of knowledge and tend to be a bit obsessive compulsive when exploring a new topic which leads to an overload of books. In the same eight years, I have - thankfully - become a lot clearer about the type of work I enjoy creating and what I want to learn and the directions I'm moving in. I am leaving this studio in a much calmer, more settled, and better focused state of mind than when I moved here. I think that's fabulous. I'm grateful and ready to let go of some "old" books to make room for "new" books which in my mind equates to making space for new learning. 

One thing I didn't know is that after a b--b altering experience, it's hard to type. Who knew those activities were related. They are. Which is why this posting is short and sweet. The surgery went well. I have far more empathy now than I did before. That was my first surgical experience and it's certainly interesting. About the time I had the right arm out and attached to the blood pressure cuff and the left arm out and attached to the intravenous drip and they were strapping down my feet and laying sterile cloths over my nearly nak..d body, I changed my mind and wanted to go home. Good thing for sleepy juice. Results in ten to fourteen days. Since they called me the day after my last biopsy, I'm going with no news is good news. Hopefully by Monday I'm feeling more chatty. For now, back to the couch.

Talk soon - Myrna

- the support of family and friends


  1. Elisabeth in France9 March 2012 at 07:00

    Sending you big hugs to help you heal quickly and praying for good results.
    PS. I wish I could attend your sewing room sale!!!

  2. Rest well. Heal quickly. Look forward to the good things God has in store for you.

  3. Your title "The Fat Studio" made me laugh. Mine is on a diet too: nothing new goes in until something gets used up or leaves!

    So glad your surgery went well, Myrna. Hoping for the results to be the ones you want to hear and you heal quickly.

  4. Myrna, sending you positive thoughts and hoping the news is all good. Also, I wish I could come to your studio sale, it looks like you have lots of goodies! All the best, Lyn in Australia.

  5. Glad to hear that you are feeling better. I hope your sale goes well. Wish I could have come today but we are in tomorrow to the Cowboy Festival and was in twice during the past 7 days to get the railing system for the stair well. Hope you have a great sale though.

  6. Glad to hear the surgery went well enough. I've been thinking about you....all good of course.

  7. Sending prayers for quick healing and good biopsy results.

    Enjoyed your comment about becoming "much clearer" about creating. YES! (as you would say ;-) I'm packing my bags, as it were, for that same journey.

    JoyceP in Wisconsin
