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Wednesday 15 December 2010

To Sort And Be Sorted

Cleaning electronic files is as obsessive compulsive as the regular cleaning of every box, basket, cupboard, closet, and drawer in the house. I just can't leave any "container" undone. Yesterday, I planned to spend the morning cleaning and the afternoon sewing. Instead, I cleaned all day - as in well into the evening, right up until news time.

Just like regular cleaning, chucking got easier as the day went along. Pretty quick, I decided that if I hadn't used it in years, I wasn't likely to miss it and goodbye. If I do miss it - oh well - what's gone is gone. That's worked well for me so far. I'm not talking about the files from my books or workshops but about the amazing number of useless files and duplicate images and what on earth did I keep that for information.

The main files are sorted. The categories and subcategories have been established. All of C drive is clean. On the D drive, I've divided images into sorted and to be sorted. That last category is HUGE except... I know... that it is full of useless images like the ones of me in muslin. LOTS of those and only needed in the moment, not for posterity.

I've decided not to stop taking so many photos BUT... to stop keeping them all. I called the photo center and they recommended a 2400 x 3000 pixel image if making an 8 x 10 photo which means saving family and other images I might want to print at full size which in turn means keeping less. My plan is to take process and project photos, size them for the blog, use them, and then delete all but the finished and detail images. We'll see how that works.

I got an email about the job position yesterday. It was posted Sunday, I applied Monday, and by Tuesday it had been filled. I can only conclude that they already had someone in mind and the process was a mere formality. DARN.

I was crabby yesterday. Have you ever had one of those conversations where you're not sure if you've been insulted but you're assuming not because it would never have been that person's intent but even so, you are feeling somewhat insulted. One of those conversations.

A friend is extremely busy getting ready for Christmas. When I phoned to ask her for lunch and a trip to Value Village (a place she loves) she said no, she only had time for the things she wanted and needed to do, maybe after Christmas. I knew she didn't realize that she had just said that she didn't want to have lunch or go shopping with me. I assumed she was just frazzled and true enough because...

... yesterday morning she phoned to apologize saying she thought she may have been too abrupt. That was great except that she then went on to question why I wasn't busy and didn't we have any Christmas traditions and... and... and.. negatively phrased questions. When I talked about what we did at Christmas, there was silence, the judgemental kind, and then she said that she didn't have that option because she's a Mom. Hello... I have kids. I'm a Mom.

In the end, I couldn't decide if she was criticizing my way of doing things or justifying her busyness. I know she would like to be less busy. She thinks she can't make that choice. I wouldn't have been surprised if it was the later especially because I've had many negative reactions to my downsizing and simplifying of Christmas over the years as if we somehow aren't having fun with fewer baked goods, smaller meals, less expense, and more time together. I think that some women find "too busy" and "frazzled" a badge of honor while I - on the other hand - think that's just plain dumb. All for one day? And what is the point anyway? Years ago, I made a decision to focus on family and as a result, I enjoy December.

I talked with my son about the conversation last night and he said, I like our Christmas the way it is. Gotta love that child. That was exactly what I needed to hear. Short of grocery shopping next week, which I'm doing with my husband on Monday, I am ready and have been for weeks. Easy and fun is the way I want to spend, and to model, Christmas. I hope this way of being is something that I pass on to my children and especially to my daughter and daughter-in-laws (when I have them) as I really have an aversion to women so busy running around in circles that they don't have time for the people in their lives.

The long line bra was ready by Saturday only I didn't wear it. The band could have been tighter although it would have worked. The cups wouldn't. They were way too big. Remember when I told you about the Estrasmart supplements that I'm taking. One of the things this product does is reduce and eliminate the occurrence of breast cysts. I'm dissolving. A month after I started taking the product, I went for an ultrasound and the technician noted less cysts already. That's surprising and good but not good. That extra fullness will no longer help to balance my hips - LOL - I'm down a cup size. SO...

... I'm going to mail the bra to my friend Caroline. When she was here last summer, she sewed a size really close to this one. I'm hoping it will fit her and that she'll enjoy it. I'll just pop it in the mail and find out when it gets there. It's not for Christmas. I already sent that package on the 1st. This will be a surprise bonus present.

This morning, I'm holding a baby at the dentist's office. My friend is almost forty and has a 3 month old baby. She's a new and older and nervous mother. I've only held the baby once before about a week ago. Before I hold her, I have to wash and sanitize. It's really quite amusing and makes me wonder what I was like as a first time mother. I'm sure I amused some people too.

ANYWAY... my friend has to have some emergency dental work done and she wants the baby to come but doesn't want the staff to touch her so I've been asked to hold the baby. And guess what? I can do this because I'm not at all rushed with Christmas and the file cleaning can wait. Life is about relationships not rushing, not baking, not presents, not stuff. It's about PEOPLE.

Talk soon - Myrna

Grateful - twenty-six hours, a $4,99 part, twenty pounds of pressure, and the sink drain is clear again. Naturally, we took the longer, more expensive than that route, BUT... it's done. YES YES.


  1. Your over-stressed friend is obviously struggling - what she said is insulting, but I'm sure she didn't mean it. She's in one of those stress-spirals, its sounds like. Even when she tries to apologize it goes sideways...

    And your other friend with the little baby - I was just that kind of mother! I was totally freaked out by people touching my child. I would quiz them about whether they'd washed their hands with soap before holding her. (Secretly - and I know I was crazy - I often thought they were lying to me about their hand washing!)

  2. We try to keep Christmas less stressful and enjoy what we do. Our Christmas is simple and full of family traditions, making it a time to focus on our family.
    Your friend is stressed about Christmas which is probably caused by trying to create something that is unnecessary. I have friends who do that too and I have friends who don't do that. They feel miserable until they put away the last Christmas decoration. In my eyes they are competing with others to be better rather than focusing on what Christmas is really about.
    Have fun holding the baby at the dentist office.

  3. Some women find "too busy" and "frazzled" a badge of honor. YES! Have you noticed that when you ask people how things are going they say, "Busy," or "crazy!" It's as if not being busy means you're not important.
    I have busy moments, but I haven't been BUSY for a long time - it's a choice your friend doesn't realize she can make.

    Bummer on the job. Enjoy holding the baby. We're heading to Victoria today because our first grandchild is enroute!

  4. I am surprised that I actually am not frazzled this year. I have almost all the Christmas presents wrapped. The ones that still need wrapping paper are the ones that still need to spend some time on my sewing machine or need some hand stitching.
    I am really psyched about Christmas this year.
    Karen W. in S.W. Ohio

  5. Jealousy. It's an ugly word. When someone else is doing better than we are, we can be happy for her - or - we can be jealous of her.

    I admire you and what you can accomplish in every day life. Not everyone can do the same as the next person due to one's health, talents & gifts, time constraints of family & job, etc. I cannot do what you can do. My career mother who at 75 can do more than I can at 50. I have health problems and she doesn't. She still sends out Christmas cards, but I've given them up. I can't do everything, and that's okay as this is what God has for me in this season of life.

    It is a waste of time & mental energy to be jealous of another person. We can choose our attitude. Being content with our situation and happy for another person is something I've chosen to do and so have you, Myrna. Thanks for being a great example.

  6. I see this all quite differently. Your friend told you no, she didn't have the time. I think her saying no is just fine and her way of controlling the Christmas holiday she chooses to have. She also was polite enough to call you and apologized for her abruptness. I also think her questioning of your holiday practices, which you are totally entitled to, was her way of perhaps seeking another way around her holiday frazzle-ness. I am just trying to see this from both sides and not offering criticism here.

  7. Myrna - You do produce thought provoking posts. I have to say that I used to be the terribly busy friend. Until one Christmas I discovered that my small family didn't seem to care for anything except the price of the Christmas presents. I've scaled way down and allowed them to help. I no longer decorate the whole house, just the tree. This year DH gifted me with the most wonderful gift - a toy train set. A dream from my childhood. He put it together - I have no idea how to do so. He also purchased special parts. In truth, it is as much his dream as mine. Finally, my dream Christmases and reality are in line and I'm very happy. I wish the same for your friend. Love her and let her go. Your family seems to appreciate your vision of Christmas too.

  8. I agree that your friend regards being insane at this time of the year a badge of honor. I disagree. When we put so much emphasis on "things," we neglect the people and love. They would disagree with me, but let's face it--who has time for an extra 15 minutes of cuddling a frustrated child when there are cookies to bake, trees to decorate, gifts to wrap, etc., etc., etc.? I think your priorities are in exactly the right place, Myrna.

    Gail D.

  9. I enjoyed this post so much. I learned long ago that Christmas will be here every year on December 25th. If I really wanted a lot of "stuff" done, I'd start in July. I no longer apologize or scurry. As each day comes to an end and we get closer to December 25th, I pare my list of things to do and find that I sleep so much better. And no one ever knows on December 26th what I at one time thought I might do. And that part of it is over for another year. The next year it gets easier and easier to do only those things that I enjoy. Today's word on Urban Dictionary is "degifting." I started that tradition several years ago and have never regretted it. The third definition was "Walmart's nightmare," and I totally agree with that. Thanks again for putting it all in perspective.
