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Tuesday 26 July 2011

Black Linen Top

Before work yesterday, I sewed together most of a black linen top. Since black is impossible to photograph, there's not much point in the pictures. It's McCalls 6035 - again - this time for sure the version with the ties on the sleeves.

Before I cut out the sleeves, I needed to get the size correct so I pinned the side seams and then adjusted the back forward half an inch which makes the back underarm about one size bigger as I'd cut it two sizes bigger earlier. I know that the front is one size smaller since I tapered some off the pattern piece before cutting out with which means I need the front sleeve half from one size of pattern envelope and the back sleeve half from the other size. It's a split sleeve so this is easier than it sounds, just fussy. I tried drafting it myself and it wasn't working the way I wanted so it was easier to just buy both sizes.

I also bought some buttons. Not the ones above. Just plain black ones that will look good on a solid black shirt and keep it more versatile. I found these when looking through my stash in hopes of already having what I needed. They're so fun. I wondered about combining them with the bold plaid since I plan to use something plainer for the collar at the least. If I'm already mixing it up, why not more?

After work, I sewed the hem and marked the button placement. That's where I'm at this morning. I'll stitch the button holes, sew on the buttons, set in the sleeves, and I'm done. It would have been easier if I hadn't already stitched and serged the side seams before I remembered that I was out of my usual order and needed to sew in the sleeves. Darn. Oh well. I do know how to set in a sleeve. I just prefer not to - LOL.

Talk soon - Myrna

Grateful - a good day at work yesterday