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Wednesday 27 July 2011

Simple & Satisfying

One of the blogs I enjoy reading is Yoshimi The Flying Squirrel. She sews with the lovely, simple, clean lines that I so enjoy. The kind of simple that is hard to do - that requires balance and preciseness to make it look exactly right - a goal that she accomplishes. I'm always thrilled when she posts a new outfit and was sad to read yesterday - Simple And Satisfying Sewing - that while she is now happy with what she sews and feels it suits her exactly, there was a period of time in which she struggled due to someone's comment. They said her sewing was boring, repetitive, and tedious. Not only is that incredibly painful, it bothers me...

... that we live in a society that thinks it's okay to make a comment like that. It's offensive. And pointless. It makes me mad. If the commenter can't appreciate someone's style, if they can't celebrate her accomplishment, then simply click away. If they're jealous of her grace and beauty and elegance, they should either get over it or do what needs to be done to develop their own abilities. If you've ever tried to post a comment on my blog, you've read in the comment box how little patience I have for this kind of behaviour. With so many options in life, why would anyone want to use up their precious minutes knocking someone else down. It boggles.

At work, I've been shocked by how rude some of the customers can be. This is the first time I've worked in retail. Since I'm not a rude person myself, it's been quite a surprise. What is the point of rudeness? Or of impatience? Or of the lack of thankfulness. Women will shove their fabric at me with no greeting, bark out 2 meters, and then stand there tapping their finger nails. No hello. No please. It makes me want to cut as slow as possible. And then they'll snatch the piece and walk away without a thanks or a goodbye. The other day when I confirmed the amount with a customer before cutting, she replied I have done this a time or two you know. My nasty genes strained. At the most, they wanted to ask her to rephrase that. At the least, they were hoping she ended up with the couch less one arm and no fabric left in the store. What's up with that? It happens so often that now, when someone is rude to me, I've made it a goal to get them laughing by the time they leave... or at least a little smile. The world is a much better place when we smile.

The black linen top is almost finished. I just need to secure the ties on the sleeve and make nice bows. I sewed the buttons on and inserted the ties last night at knitting. Then I drank coffee. Then I knit for about half an hour. It wasn't terribly productive but I was glad I went. Before I left for knitting, I cut out a Vogue 8499 Marcy Tilton Skirt in the fabric above.

I went by the finished size on the pattern pieces after reading the reviews, many of which indicated the skirt is quite large. That meant going down three sizes which felt really strange except that when I held the tape measure around my hips, there was still plenty of room. Her sizing seems closer to actual ready to wear. Somewhere in the middle between the size I buy and the size I sew.

The skirt is very simple. It has the two back pieces and three front ones plus a pocket overlay. Each piece has a bevelled bottom that creates the bell shape. The hems are sewn first. After that, all the lines are straight with a slight curve at the bottom. The top is folded down with elastic although there is also a zipper at the back. For my figure that's perfect as it gathers the top enough for shaping without being too much for the difference between my waist and hips. I'm not a fan of that overly gathered look. The pocket is pleated, attached at the bottom along the placement line, closed with a visible zipper at the top, and sewn into the two seams beside it. VERY easy. It'll be interesting to see how this works out and how it looks on me. The skirt and the black linen top are for my current project at work so once they're hung up, it'll be another month before I can wear them.

Tomorrow, Howard and I are leaving our house full of people - our sons, their friends, our friends - and going to visit our daughter. LOL - I'm not sure that's a good idea. It'll most likely be messy but still standing when we get back. I'm looking forward to the trip. We haven't seen our daughter and son-in-law since Christmas which is way too long between hugs. She phoned last night with ingredients and recipes that she's been reading through to find things that I can eat. That's so nice of her. LOVE that girl. I'm leaving my computer at home so it'll be Tuesday or Wednesday before I get back to blogging. Have a great weekend.

Talk soon - Myrna

Grateful - going visiting


  1. well I for one will miss your blogging. have a good time.
    Brenda in the Boro UK

  2. "I may not always agree with what you have chosen to sew, but I will defend to the death your right to sew it." Terrible paraphrase, I know, but you get the point. We need to practice the grace to let each other follow our own chosen paths, and not force others to goose-step in the paths we prefer. I agree with you that kindness and positivity are sadly lacking in our society. Allow me to express to you the enjoyment that your writing brings me, even when I disagree with what you have written. And to thank you for your honesty.

  3. I've worked in fabric shops, and had the same experiences as you. People are rude, disrespectful and downright ugly. I've always thought of a fabric store as a happy place. I don't understand the hatefullness in a place that contains beautiful dreams. What's the point? Oh, and I used to do alterations. I worked out some very wealthy people's garments, and they think you are their own personal slave. I won't do either again. However, I do love teaching. I've always had a positive experience with people who want to learn.

  4. Hope you have a fabulous time with your daughter & her family!!!!

    I'm always amazed at how much sewing you get done! Wow! In the time it takes me to just be sure that I understand the directions, you've got 5 or 6 new things sewn!

    Happy trip!!!!

  5. Rudeness and bitterness can just leave me breathless with surprise. We have one short life on this planet (as far as can tell so far) and why people take the time to be angry and arrogant amazes me. I think what we mistake for honesty is so often self-important opinion, often erroneous and lacking in depth. Too bad for them. Here's hoping you have a delightful family visit.

  6. First, have a wonderful trip, lots of hugs and lots of fun.

    Rudeness, insensitivity, arrogance. I don't know the reason or the answer. I cannot control what other people do, I can only control my response to them. I try not to "react" but to respond. Sometimes that is a wordless response, a look that says, really? did you just say that? I had a recent experience with someone I have known for 25 years, I thought we were friends. A friend would not have said what she did, it was very hurtful. However, I think she feels entitled to comment on everyone else's body shape and size because she obsessively starves and exercises. We are not friends, she is someone I know. Strangers in the retail environment feel entitled to behave like mean girls because they are handing over their $. I think you are doing the absolutely correct thing, engaging and try to lighten the atmosphere. Two wrongs do not make it right, One smile brings delight.

  7. First to Corrine - Thank you for the saying: "Two wrongs do not make it right, One smile brings delight." I share try to remember and apply that as needed.

    Hi Myrna, Enjoy your daughter and son-in-law! Thank you for another thoughtful post. Even the comments to your posts are good. :-)
    PS I too will miss your posts.

  8. Misery loves company! That's what I try to remind myself about mean people - they reflect the self-loathing that is inside of them and try to bring others down with them. People who have good self esteem don't need to tear others down.

    It's weird to me that you see so much rudeness at work. When I buy fabric, I'm usually so excited about what I'm buying that I can't stop smiling. That someone could be less than giddy about fabric buying (and therefore friendly) just baffles me.

    Speaking of un-boring... that skirt could be a really interesting and fun piece! I can't wait to see how it comes out.

  9. I hope you are having a wonderful trip Myrna. Being with your daughter will be good for both of you.

    I think that those who are rude are often troubled. Not always, some people have an attitude of entitlement that is just arrogant. But I know that when I am short with people it's because I usually have something going on behind the scenes. I'm frustrated with myself or circumstances that have nothing to do with the moment. And often, when I am rude, I return to my car and berate myself.

    I find myself being most abrupt with dental hygienists - and finally I just decided to tell them why. I'm scared stiff, I hate people working in my mouth, and I'm sorry. They took it well, not noticing that I'd been rude (or so they said) and added that they deal with much worse.

    I'm missing your posts. Your blog is one that I read faithfully.

  10. You are so right about smiling making the world a better place, and good for you by aiming to make the customers laugh! You must be a fun salesperson to encounter!
    Thank you for your comment... and a few other commenters have left notes to say that iDye is available at Dharma trading in the US, I don't know if they have outlets in Canada also. The back of the packet says that it is manufactured in the US by Jacquard products. The range includes iDye, which is for natural fibres like silk, wool and cotton, and iDye Poly, for manmade fibres. I have a supply of each and am looking forward to using it all!
