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Tuesday 12 June 2012

A Ring For My Right Hand


SUPER productive describes yesterday. I went for a long walk, hemmed the dress, hemmed two pairs of jeans, researched and booked three hotels and two restaurants, printed out driving instructions from here to Everett to Bend to the workshop and back to Portland, finished washing Princess Puppy's couch covering blankets, folded laundry, made up the guest room bed, re-potted some plants, wrote a letter to the kitchen people stating why I wasn't paying their bill in full, and...

... picked up my Janome 1000 CPX Cover Pro machine. I won't be able to play with it for a few weeks but I wanted to take it out of the box at least. It's part of my birthday gift from Howard along with the Marcy and Diane workshop and and a ring for my right hand - which I haven't bought yet - and plan to look for while on vacation.

I wanted to get all that other stuff out the way so I could spend today trying ideas for Caroline's gift - just in case the first one didn't work - which would be entirely normal - and the annoying thing about finally getting a great idea only late in the day.

For her 40th birthday, I mailed her forty things each week for ten weeks - forty beads, forty buttons, forty strips of primary colored quilting cotton, four spools of forty weight thread - stuff for quilting. I even asked forty people from the QuiltArt list to send her a black piece of fabric. She received packages from around the world. It was VERY fun and I wasn't sure how to top that but - if my idea works out - it'll have a similar fifty theme with everything in one package. Hopefully more tomorrow.

Above are the me and no make-up shots of the dress. I didn't have time to do the hair and make-up thing. Later. When I booked the restaurant - Greg's Grill - for our dress up dinner, I told them it was our fiftieth so they're reserving us a table by the window and making a note stating not to give it away if we're late arriving and that it's our birthday. From the positive reviews, I imagine they'll make it a fun evening and someone will surely be willing to take our picture with glitz and glam.

Carolyn wrote - I don't use a hook and eye they annoy me. So I try to make sure that I've used the entire 5/8" seam allowance so that I don't have those worries.

I agree totally. That's my preferred method only with the piping around the neckline being something new for me, I wasn't sure how much bulk I'd be dealing with and opted for the hook and eye this time. Next time, gone.

I'm deciding which shoes. Howard says the ones on the right - my left - and I think he's right. They go with the feel of the dress. They aren't as comfortable as the other ones but I won't be dancing or walking long distances so that's okay. I'm not packing yet so I can think about it. For now - accupuncture and then a day to develop an idea.

Talk soon - Myrna

Grateful - Mapquest, Hotel Planner, and online reviews


  1. I like the high vamp shoe, too. The strappy one doesn't look right for some reason. Throws off the scale or balance....or something.

    Have fun on your trip!

  2. The dress turned out well - what fun you'll have at that dinner!

  3. I really like the dress in these long shots, and after seeing how amazing it looks close up, I may have to fly/ride to Canada and thieve it away from you. Except that it might not fit me so well as it does you ... never mind. Happiest of wishes to you and Howard on this big occasion!

  4. Oh it's so pretty. It's going to look smashing when you're all gussied up.

  5. Wow, I don't think you could have improved the fit at all. Looks like it was drafted just for you. Beautiful dress.

  6. Great looking dress. It looks like it fits perfectly. Have a great time at your workshop.

  7. I rarely see something that I wish were mine, when reading sewing blogs (or anywhere else for that matter), and your lace dress has me, well, lets say appreciative rather than covetous. (Of course, it would not look anywhere near as special on my barrel-like figure)

    Really, the dress that you have created is so lovely, and so perfect for you. The addition of the piping works really well as a detail. I appreciate the way you work at problem solving and share your thinking with us. I look forward to hearing more about your adventures, especially the workshop. I shall send you a virtual wave when you pass through Portland...
