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Thursday 30 September 2010

Give Me A Case

No cleaning - no sewing - not much of anything happened yesterday. I opted for sitting in the curl-up chair and reading along with a walk around the block in the sunshine. We're having some absolutely gorgeous fall days. The leaves are gloriously shaded and the sky is sparkling. It's a shame not to stop and appreciate such beauty while it's here. It's a tight competition between fall with its colorful goodbye and spring with its fresh green shoots of potential. Both touch the soul.

The blog is late today. Sorry - I've been socializing - breakfast with my friend Sharon. We chatted and laughed and cried and complained and... you know how it goes. Aren't girlfriends just the best? At one point, just as the waitress was pouring more coffee, Sharon made a comment about "MEN" and the waitress burst out laughing and said I so agree. The sisterhood - another beautiful thing.

The talk on hormones last night was quite enlightening. For instance, did you know that this year the largest group of women turns fifty-one. As Lorna put it, there has never in the history of mankind been so many hot flashing, crying, angry, hormonal women all at once - maybe NOW we'll get some attention.

Lorna is Lorna Vanderhaeghe. Her website - Hormone Help - contains a LOT of valuable information on all kinds of hormone issues from infertility to menopause. She really knows her stuff. She'd start talking about an issue (and a product) and I'd think I'll take one of those and then another issue/product and I'd think and one of those too. When she said, and if your husband drives you crazy and you can't even stand the way he chews never mind how he looks and you're crying all the time, you need some AdrenaSmart - I thought GIVE ME A CASE ! So...

...meet AdrenaSmart, my new BFF. Apparently, "she" works fast. I'm debating half the container right now - VBG. My husband, in a very brave moment, said go for the whole thing. He's willing to work overtime to fund my new drug habits and the boys will buy it for me and set up the intravenous drip. Hmm... a little telling don't you think? LOL - I'll just be happy if my emotions find their way a little lower down from the surface, aren't quite so raw, and stop erupting into tears with the slightest provocation. THEN, I think life will find a more even flow. Gosh, this aging stuff is a pain. I'm starting with Adrena but I've got a list. A whole lot of me is going to be a whole lot better soon.

Ruthie K wrote - I can see an online class at somewhere like PR has a large possible user base and the technology to run the classes.

Yes. I'm not sure exactly how Deepika organizes things but the concept is very similar to where I taught before. Hopefully, my nine years of online teaching experience and positive reviews will be in my favour although I haven't heard back yet. It takes time. PR is just one option. We'll see what happens.

gMarie wrote - Oh I love the book idea. I have a few TNT patterns, but don't know the steps to take to get from what I have that I know fits, to the inspiration

Sheila wrote - Yes please !!! or you could just blog ?????????

Thanks for the feedback. There were 219 readers yesterday and the two of you commented on the book. That doesn't mean that's all the interest that there was in the book/workshop idea but it is a pretty standard direct marketing result of 1-2%. Not that I was marketing but you get what I'm saying. That's why an environment like PatternReview.com would be helpful for teaching because it can connect the percentage of women worldwide who are interested in this topic creating a full class, something that's not as easily possible in one location or through one blog.

Yes... I could just blog. And I most likely will blog about some of my projects however, I won't blog about every one is such detail as that would take a long time and a whole book. That said, just blogging won't earn me an income. That's an issue. This sabbatical is only scheduled to last until next September. At that point, I need a job or at the very least a plan of action. Maybe Adrena, my new BFF, will help me to see the forest for the trees.

Laura wrote - Tricky stuff. Right now, I'm in the midst of a dream about starting my own small publishing company, which is not the most practical plan ever. But I've been very practical the last few years and I feel like I'm losing my identity, my ability to be unique and use the skills that only I have. It's a dilemma.

If I could reach out and give you a GREAT BIG HUG, I so would. Thank you. Your words exactly match what I'm feeling - as if I'm disappearing in this weighing out of all the options, ceasing to exist, becoming bored and boring, losing my me-ness.

Getting a job might save my sanity in one way but it would also not allow me to be there for my son in another way which, because that is so important to me, would drive me crazy and make me feel guilty. Getting a job will earn me money in one way but it would also cost me money in terms of transportation, clothing, additional food, and so on AND, most likely (considering the jobs immediately available), result in a net income of such that it's not worth the stress on the family.

The jobs that I could easily secure right now are either low paying or working alone or both such as house cleaning or painting and wouldn't resolve some of my issues (in particular loneliness) but would mean more pressure on me to balance home and work. Getting a job doing a task that is not something you really want to do might solve an issue over here but it will create another one over there where you feel as if you've become invisible in a sea of sucking it up and making do. Yes, we all have to compromise and make-do in some areas BUT... there has to be some feeding of the soul AND... as you're saying... there is this thing that I love to do (sew, write, teach) and that I'm amazingly good at and that I'd really love to make a career of again. Somehow, somewhere, there is a way to make it all work.

It's noon. I'm off to have lunch with Adrena and then a walk around the block and then a tidy up of the studio because Sharon is coming over tomorrow to sew another bra and I have freshly washed fabric everywhere. After that, I'm not sure. I'll let you know tomorrow.

Talk soon - Myrna

Grateful - info on hormones/AdrenaSmart


  1. Thank you for providing the link to the Hormone Help website. I'm off to have a look. I too, would love to see a book on how to get TnT patterns and I think online classes would be super. You are enjoying Fall there and I am enjoying Spring here - mild, sunny days but no turning leaves. Just gorgeous! I hope the tablets start kicking in soon. :)

  2. I've been seeing a naturopath for more than 3 years and take (among a zillion other things) an adrenal supplement (I had my hormones tested to see what was out of whack), a thyroid supplement and a hormone balancer. Until last week the balancing supplement was Vitex (pretty popular) but apparently I've now moved onto ProgestoMend.

    I'm only 40 but my mother went into perimenopause at this age and finished with menopause at 49. I don't want to follow in her crazy footsteps, if I can avoid it. I've always been pretty aware of my hormones (I've charted my cycles for 15 years) so I do see how things are changing, if subtly. It's not an estrogen imbalance for me at this point, but my progesterone is flagging somewhat.

    Wow, talk about overshare :-)

  3. Personally, I'm afraid of all those remedies. I never trust what's in them and don't believe what they tell me--unless it's my doctor. Whatever...

    It took me 13 years to go thru menopause! I started with hot flashes at 32 and didn't stop until the age of 45!! The last 3 years were horrendous. You know that feeling like your period's going to start any second--backache, cramps, sore boobs, heaviness, etc.? Yeah--I was a barrel of laughs, I'll tell ya! If I had had insurance, I would have had a hys, but I didn't. I'll tell you what tho--one morning when I was 45 I woke up and all the symptoms were gone. I fell on my knees and thanked God, Goddess, Universe, and anyone else I could think of that it was over!

    I hope nobody else goes thru such a horrendous experience!

    Gail D.
