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Tuesday 7 September 2010

My Last First Day

Today is the first day of school. It's my last first day. After twenty years of school, this is it. Kyle will graduate next June on my birthday. How fitting. The last first day of the last child is far more exciting than the first first day of the first child - at least from my current perspective. Back then I might have felt differently. And, it's not that I want to rush him. I don't. I just want to enjoy this year fully while recognizing that its completion will signal a new beginning in my own life. YES YES!

I absolute LOVE the first day of school. Its way better than New Year's. After driving whoever is going to school, I go out for breakfast, journal, ponder my goals for the fall, and then spend the rest of the time pampering myself by doing whatever I want. Typically, that's a little window shopping and some wandering about getting ideas for art, decor, fashion sewing, or whatever takes my fancy. Not too much wandering. It's a short day. School is out at noon on the first day. BUT... it's such a wonderful "me" time that next year, I believe I'll start a new first day of fall tradition so I can carry on with my first day enjoyment.

With The Self Imposed Sewing Club, I've already made a lot of decisions about fashion sewing although I'll need more basic garments than those chosen. Other goals are familiar having to do with exercise, home-making, cooking, social interaction, and on and on. Some of them feel so same old, same old that they've become heavy, that thing that I want to do but can't seem to accomplish. This year, I want to give careful thought as to how to make those goals more attainable, how to find the sweet spot that takes them from wish to done.

I think I get in my own way by making everything way too complicated when simplification might be the trick like losing weight is to eat less, move more, or both and managing money is to spend less, make more, or both. I'm sure there are some much simpler ways to approach my goals that involve less of this, more of that, or both. We'll see.

As you can see, Kyle is at that don't take my picture stage. The one above was taken last February while he was on a missions trip to Guatemala. Ronnie is Kyle's sponsor child. I'm really proud of Kyle for taking on that responsibility. He's doing an amazing job of supporting Ronnie.

Earlier this year, Kyle got a job at McDonald's and he has since been employee of the month, had one promotion, and is in line for another. FABULOUS. Like all of us, not all areas of his life are running smoothly and these successes are a wonderful balance to areas of difficulty. He turns seventeen at the end of this month. He is a wonderful young man. Happy first day Kyle.

Talk soon - Myrna

Grateful - first days and especially last first days


  1. How funny, as today is our first first day, with Logan starting Preschool. I'm a nervous wreck, but he's excited! I think Myra and I will take a page out of your book and enjoy some girl shopping that wouldn't be fun with Logan. What a great idea!

  2. From here, the last first day sounds very liberating! And what a great kid you have. Congrats all around.

  3. You have put everything into a proper perspective. Enjoy yourself. When DS left home (he was 26) just slept here and ate here if he was home, but when he left I felt "empty nest" for about forty-five minutes and have been having a rather good time since!
