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Thursday 3 May 2012

In The Middle Of Progress

As I wrote to Howard, I'm trying to be upbeat only I think it's coming across as grumpy. How weird to be sitting on the only chair - in the middle of the living room - surrounded by sawdust - doing nothing while everyone else works. It feels like you're wasting time in the middle of progress. It feels lazy only I'm not. It's just not my turn yet.

Yesterday, there were five men in my house doing assorted tasks all aimed at getting things finished because my work can't begin until they are done. I read and knit and stared out the window. Not that the view isn't lovely. I'd just prefer to move in and enjoy the view later.

My closet is making progress. First it didn't exist and then it did and now it's painted and has a door pending. After this picture was taken, half jam and trim was added and you can just see the shelf supports waiting under the door on the floor. The shelving is out in the garage.

It's possible that I'll have a functioning closet by the end of today and then again, maybe not. I find workmen do things in the order they want to do things and they may decide that shelving is last which means they'll move upstairs and do the trim there next... which will leave two floors incomplete. I can tell they don't think like a woman - or at least like I do - as in finish one area and move on and let me get to it - LOL.

Barb and I were talking about introversion yesterday. I've known that I'm introverted for years and even so I am amazed at how exhausted I am simply because I have had someone in my house every day for the past five weeks and almost every day for the three before that. That's people overload in my books. While I am outgoing, to function well I require more time alone than with others and the balance is way in the opposite direction right now. Barb emailed me this link to Susan Cain's talk on the Power of Introverts. See. That's why!

Talk soon - Myrna

Grateful - French doors, three sets of closet doors, and trim in the basement

1 comment:

  1. Being an introvert too, I think I relate to your need to some alone time. I'd go crazy living with people in my home all the time like you have had. Even though Howard sounds like a great husband, it probably helps to have him out of the country. At least things are quieter at night.

    Hang in there, you're almost done. It'll be worth the wait.
