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Thursday 10 May 2012

Linen Pants

My brain appears to be missing in action. Throughout the day I think of things to write about on the blog and then, when I sit down to type, they're gone. I'm pretty sure it's overload and nothing to worry about. Things will calm down eventually.

Last week, I read Quiet: The Power Of Introverts In A World That Can't Stop Talking by Susan Cain. Although it surprises a lot of people, I've known for years that I'm introverted and it appears that I'm becoming more so over time.  If you're introverted - or know someone who is - or think you might be - the book is a fabulous read, a huge ah ha. We live in a world designed for extroverts and yet studies show that the majority of problem solving and innovation comes from introverts. I find that interesting. It may mean changing some of the ways we work that we once viewed as progress.

Two of the blogs I read are written by women who have vowed not to buy ready-to-wear for a year and are instead sewing. In terms of better financial management, that wouldn't work for me as I spend far more on fabric than I do on clothing. In other ways, it's a fabulous creative push - limits of any kind always are.

In contrast, I rarely buy ready-to-wear. Most clothing is not designed for bottom heavy triangles with small waists so when I can find something that fits, flatters, and is affordable, I'm all for that. Yesterday, Costco had Calvin Klein linen pants with a front fly and drawstring waist for $19.99 a pair. YES!

The final upstairs project was changing the open shelves in the corner of the kitchen to cabinets with glass doors. It was interesting to read in Quiet that things like open shelving and introverts are not a good mix. LOL - I knew that but it's another confirmation. The cabinet people are here now. Once they're done, I can give the kitchen a final clean and organize it and after that, it's all fine tuning and making pretty. I am SO looking forward to that.

Talk soon - Myrna

- sunshine on a stressful day


  1. I am an introvert also and find things like cupboard doors and everything its place better for me. If I have too much out, I become agitated. I do much better having a spartan look and being able to go to my corner.

  2. I, too, am an introvert and look forward to reading the book you recommend. Studying the theories of Carl Jung helped me to value my introversion. I think both introversion and extroversion as being on a continuum, with each of us having our own individual mix. The introverted function, even within an extrovert, can bring innovation.

    Regarding open shelves: I dislike them because of all the dust that gathers on them. I really, really, dislike housework but like things to look clean, so no open shelves for me.

  3. Hmm, I had not idea that there was a link between introversion and open cupboards. I am going to have to put a little thought into that.

    $20 for linen pants is an absolute steal.
