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Monday 28 May 2012

The New New Studio

The dress is coming along beautifully. I've made changes. Of course. The pattern - Vogue 8743 - as drafted begins flaring outward at the waist which means there's a LOT of fabric at the hip point. On me, there was 42" extra inches equalling a ton of not so flattering ease. I pinned the seams smooth from the waist to the hip and began the flare at hip level so it drapes nicely. I'm really pleased with how it's developing and... more on that later... because...

... I have a new new studio. On Saturday, once the dress was far enough along that I knew it was going to work out, I finally had enough energy and will to start arranging the studio. After an hour of pushing things around - using those amazing EZ Movers shown on TV - I ended up in tears on the couch wanting my old studio back. It can't be done. Instead, I've traded spaces with my husband. I no longer have that amazing view of the valley and that's okay because I now have the type of private, defined space that I function best in.

This studio is not my smallest ever but it is smaller than my previous one at 10' 8" x 14' 3" with double glass doors into the hallway. There is no window but there is a view from my sewing machine down the hall, across the family room, and out those windows. This space reminds me of a studio I had about ten years ago. My last studio is my all time favourite. The ten year old one would be second on the list. Hopefully this new space measures up favourably once I get sewing.

I'm still sorting out the details and putting things away but the main furniture is in place. The work island is on the far wall set at an slight angle to allow for storage behind and to soften the squareness of the room. The pattern cabinet is tucked in the far corner again spaced enough from the corner to allow for storage beside. The design wall will be mounted to the right with the button shelf below.

The computer desk is on the wall at left when you enter. It's the same set-up as in my previous studio and more desk than I need now that I'm not in business - however - it's already paid for and functions well so why not. The art fabrics that sat in a basket on the floor for the past six weeks are now stored in the glass fronted cabinet. Finally.

It's been a long time since my sewing machine faced a wall. What saves this from being too harsh is the view I mentioned earlier. The double doors are at right of my machine and the hallway just outside is five feet wide. The doors will almost always be open. The serger is sitting on the guest desk and is easily moved when I have company over to sew. I'll try this configuration for now and see how it goes. If I find that I need more storage, overhead cupboards can be mounted above the desks. For now, I'm working on decreasing my stash to fit the available storage space. Almost everything has found a home. We need to put up the full spectrum fluorescent fixtures and after that I'm at the "making pretty" stage.

One of the things that had me so upset with the previous designation of space was the lack of a family room where more than two people could watch a movie or be together. Our daughter and son-in-law arrive on Thursday night and it was bothering me that we couldn't do anything together with the way things were. This way, the TV, bookshelves, games cupboard, and couches are in the space that I previously occupied and....

... Howard is set up at the other end of the room with space for both his desk and working counter, his and the boy's computers, the overhead cabinets, and his instruments with plenty of space to move around and the couches and TV nearby. Once all the "stuff" is put away, it'll be a lot neater and nicer. Right now, he has boxes stacked there ready to deal with.

The blue wall still needs to be painted and unfortunately my space is painted Howard's color and his space is painted my color but that's okay. It can be changed eventually if things work out. I may do that while the guys are off on their annual trip in July. We'll see. For now, I'm tired of painting. I just want to sew. And maybe buy a fan.

The space I'm in now was super insulated for sound and - IMHO - is a touch over done  making it quite warm. Other than that, it's all mine and wonderful and I have the world's best husband. When I approached him with the idea of trading spaces, he said the most important thing was for me to be happy. Earlier that same day, while I was working on the dress, my son said ... you're sewing - yeah - all's right with the world again! Too fun!

Talk soon - Myrna

- a more defined, comfortable, me, kind of studio space


  1. Yes - hubby knows that when I am back to sewing all is right with the world. Enjoy your new space, and thank goodness for good and generous husbands.

    Lois K

  2. When mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy!!
