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Friday 25 March 2011

My Mathematical Mind

Since I normally wouldn't be here, you can imagine how absolutely delightful it was to show the housekeepers around and then sit in my curl-up chair reading my book while they did the work. Of course, it wasn't done exactly the way I'd have done it but the boys wouldn't have done it my way either so that was okay, or at least it was until they handed me the bill. Then...

... my mathematical mind immediately extrapolated hours times dollars per hours times four weeks a month times twelve months of the year equals MUCH MONEY. There's a lot of things I could do with that grand total, which leaves me in quandary. I don't want to do all the work and I don't want to put out that kind of money. This is going to take some creative thinking but for now, for this week, everything is clean.

Thanks for the links for the purse inserts. Unfortunately, everything visible, even if in little side slots, is not my style. I'm as minimalistic and contained with my purse as I am with my studio. Right now, I have a small outside zip pocket for my keys, a small inside zip pocket for my business cards, paper, and pen, a larger zip pocket for feminine products and medications, and the main cavity that contains my wallet and my e-book. That's it.

If I carry beauty products - which I rarely do - they go in the main cavity, usually in a zippered make-up bag which is partly what prompted me to think along the lines of several "pencil case" type bags. I'd enjoy making them individual by using textile techniques like on my Kobo cover above - when and if I have time.

There wasn't a YouTube video specifically for the generic foot however, one did point out what I was doing wrong. It wasn't moving the needle. I needed to uncurl the coil. Once I did that, the stitching went exactly where it needed to be and the zipper closed beautifully.

I'm so glad that I had Ron Collins demonstrate invisible zippers at the workshop in February. The foot makes all the difference - so much so that I can see putting invisible zippers in almost everything. It's really quick and easy. Even though I have a generic foot, I've customized it with an unused shank. It's permanently attached, set up, and ready to go. Perfect.

The skirt binding looks crisp and clean. I like the way it highlights the front and blends through to the back. I'm not too sure about the defined line between the white and black fabrics. It seems too stark. Maybe it's just me so I may take it along to work today and get some opinions from my co-workers.

The bow won't work as hoped. The flippy sections start higher up than I thought. Instead of a bow at knee level, it would be hanging off my butt which is too pin the tale on the donkey-ish for me. Around the hem might be better. Or not at all. We'll see. Either way, it fits nicely. I have the waistband left to finish.

This is the last weekend the store is open. I'm working eight hours today and on Sunday, the absolutely last day. I imagine it's going to be incredibly busy and unbelievably messy and somewhat crabby and hopefully not to push and shove. Monday and Tuesday we're packing the store - another eight hours each day - so blogging could be intermittent next week. I may lack the energy to type or enough to talk about or both. I'll let you know.

Talk soon - Myrna

Grateful - a clean house - solid math skills - the ability to prioritize, rationalize, justify, compromise - LOL - we'll see what's needed


  1. I love invisible zippers, but I really hated that plastic foot. My hubby got me a metal one and for a few dollars more, it has made all the difference.
    I love the fun juxtaposition of fabrics in your skirt. I wonder if a little flat lace trim would soften the starkness a little.

  2. Next time before the housekeepers come see what needs re-doing urgently, and what could be postponed another week. You may be willing to do the "every week" items every other week, thus needing them to come every two weeks.

  3. Hi, I enjoy your blog and just thought I'd share my thoughts on food elimination diets and housekeepers. Food elimination diets are HARD. My son is off diary, caffeine, sugar, high fat and one other thing I can't remember right now. I'm just thankful they left us the gluten this time. It gets very boring because you just get down to meat and vegetables. If I had the opportunity to hire someone to come in and teach us some new recipes that would make things more interesting, I'd jump on it in a heartbeat. About the housekeeper, I think you should go back and read your first post about the housekeeper. Something about "it's cheaper than me moving out?" Yeah, go with that. IMO, pay the housekeeper. You have enough stress trying to figure out what you're going to eat. Susan C

  4. As soon as the renovations are done, I'll be joining you with having a cleaning service. There are many reasons why I think that it is worth the money:
    1. decreasing my stress level
    2. decreasing my anger with the men in my life.
    3. the men in my house will be much happier when I'm not pissed that the house needs to be cleaned.
    4. they are much happier that they do not have to do the work.
    5. the satisfaction of having a clean house.
    6. the free time that I have to enjoy life.
    The most important reason is that I'm worth it.

  5. The two-tone look will take some getting used-to, I suspect. I too, have been seeing it. Remember when color-blocking was very stylish? Not so long ago. It's back, but with a new twist.

  6. Re: house-cleaners. I fully understand the need to be able to carve out some personal time in the midst of a busy family life and demanding career life. I have done both the housekeeper route and the me route. I could never depend on those who live here to share in the process. I was fortunate to have someone I trusted to come in while I was at work, but I soon came to realize (actually about 2 years later) that she was surface cleaning. She changed her methods during the second year and quite honestly they just were not good enough for me, and for what she was being paid. When I attempted to redirect her efforts toward what I wanted/needed to be done that week, she would balk, resume her agenda and not what I requested. Long story short, after several months I gathered the courage to let her go. We had been friends through our children and sports organizations. Subsequently, we are no longer friends. After much fussing and feeling sorry for myself, I accidentally found a web site that has helped me deal with the cleaning. While I do not follow the system verbatim I have to tell you I have found a peace in my own home that I have never had before. Take a look when you have time, it might work for you. http://flylady.com/

  7. Great suggestion, but I think the website is flylady.net
