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Thursday 17 March 2011

Seventeen & Spider Lace

4:19 - the time I woke up. 5:53 - the time I gave up and got out of bed. So frustrating. Of course, it's completely and totally my own fault. I ate pizza last night. Not the gluten free - dairy free - taste free - variety but the real, honest to God, pick it up at the pizza parlor, kind with a whole wheat shell and stringy cheese. Along with a gazillion other, you really shouldn't be eating this, reactions, gluten keeps me awake. You'd think I'd learn. I haven't. Two years and three months later, I still have huge moments of great rebellion that I then pay for. I'm not sure this grief over the loss of food will ever end.

I did not lovingly explore the back of each pattern in my rather extensive stash. I did however sort out seventeen discards, not all dolman sleeves. Some were shapeless. Some were raglan sleeved. Some were dowdy. Some were I'm never going to sew that, ever, never, in a million years. Seventeen came out. Five went in. I'm not sure I'm winning - LOL.

Do you not ask me why this spider lace has been tantalizing me for the last several weeks. I have no answer other than it just has. I finally gave up and bought it yesterday. One meter for $2.84 as it was in the heavily discounted Halloween section. Unlike the rest of the printed organzas, it has a soft, crochet-like feel. I don't even like spiders and yet I'm terribly tickled by the idea of spider inserts on a t-shirt. I know it will take people a few minutes to realize that I have spiders on my shoulders and then there will be a reaction. Perhaps it will sit in my stash and never come to pass but for some reason, it tantalized. Do you have a fabric like that?

As you know, I read a list of blogs every morning. I am amazed by how quickly some people have taught themselves to sew - really well - in a year or less. I am amazed by the creativity and the inspiration that I find not only with their sewing but with their refashions. Although I see a lot of crafty things that don't appeal to me at all, I also see a lot of really rather wonderful interpretations. I love that sewing is having a resurgence.

Lately, I've been disappointed by the realization that most of the women - not all, but most - whose blogs I follow are much younger than myself. While I admire their ability, I can't always relate to the styles or topics. Has sewing become a young woman's activity? Do those of us who are older lack interest or time or... ? Am I reading the wrong blogs? What is your favourite blog where the author is in the 45-60 age range?

Are you both inspired by and overwhelmed by some blogs? Every day on Handmade by Carolyn, she posts an outfit, almost always completely "me made", illustrated with beautiful photography and fabulous accessories. Carolyn seems to have a large selection of clothing. I love all the details she shares and I feel boring in comparison.

Perhaps lack of selection is my problem. I'm more a minimalist and when you have few clothes and wear them more often, not only can you get bored with them, they wear out sooner and usually at the same time. I've been looking at my closet noting the basics that need to be replaced and that list is so long that I wonder if I'll ever get to the really creative things and if I did what would they look like? Sometimes the list is so long it's paralyzing. Does that happen to you? How do you deal with it?

I hope this hasn't come across as whining - again. That wasn't my intent. Just some thoughts I've been thinking about these past few weeks. I'd be curious to see if I have company.

Talk soon - Myrna

Grateful - payday


  1. Dear Myrna, you are a woman after my own heart! I discovered the blogs about 6 months ago (I know, late to my own funeral probably!) I could not be more thrilled with the fantastic resurgence of sewing and needle arts in blogland. I am also amazed at how the younger ones have attacked the process and just ran with it! In my time, sewing was a science, a type of perfection that required great study and practice and criticism. I was so intimidated by some early teachers that I abandoned my passion. Then I thought, Hey, I don't need this! I resumed garment sewing a couple years ago (quilting, knitting, embroidery etc had occupied my time.) The main issue now with middle-age is fit. Much trial and error is required to achieve the fit required. I do demand better work from myself than I would require in RTW. So, you are not alone. I am always amazed at how some can churn out piece after piece, photograph and write about them with seemingly little struggle. I just don't have that type of time to dedicate just to my sewing. I do what I can. I am inspired by those people but also recognize that this is not a goal I aspire to. I don't mind a little bit of boring in my wardrobe, because I call that basic. Basic is good, basic is always available, and basic will work next year too!

  2. It is not whining. I often get the same feeling when reading blogs about how young most everyone is: newly married and in the middle of having children or raising children. Meanwhile, I am on a second career and closer to 50 than 40 which scares me.

    I dont think sewing is a young woman's activity. But yes, sometimes on the internet it appears that way. I try to learn what I can and take some inspiration though it can be frustrating.

  3. I'm not quite in the range you ask for as I'm only 38 and I only recently discovered sewing blogs, but here is my take on it anyway. I know hardly anyone my age or younger that sews in real life, especially proficiently. On the other side of that, I don't know very many people older than me that have blogs or are interested in spending that much time on the internet and none of the ones that sew do. I think it is more that the younger people that sew are more likely to blog and to show off so it seems like it is that more young people are sewing.

  4. I think it may be primarily younger women who have the energy to sew And blog about it, so kudos to you. My sewing time is limited, so I simply don't sew the basics--I buy those, and use my time in my craft room to 1) fix things, 2) refashion things, and 3) create fabulous new things. Your spider fabric is exactly the kind of fabric I would invest in, both for time and money. Fabric has to sing to me, or at least whisper loudly in my ear, to enter my Creativity Queue these days.

  5. I agree that the internet technology is daunting to older seamstresses. That may be the reason that they do not blog their sewing and clothing.

    Is there a way to search the internet for blogs that are only sewing and then only by mature women of a certain age?


    Karen W. in S.W. Ohio

  6. Well, Myrna, yours is one of my favorite sewing blogs for women of a certain age. Definitely!

    I think the upsurge in sewing among younger women is a wonderful trend. It's a skill that was ignored in our generation. How many women your age actually sew their clothes? Not many. Yet our mothers did.

    I think the resurgence in sewing among younger women is a reflection of the desire to be more involved with living life purposefully - wanting to have a say in what goes on the body as well as what goes into it and what is done with it.

    While a number of younger women are sewing beautifully, there are many whose techniques are not up to the standard that someone who has years of experience wants and expects. I've recommended your site to my own daughter who is becoming a designer - I told her that for analyzing and figuring out fit, there's no one better than Myrna!

  7. Myrna, I'm mid 50's, love to sew and knit and spin and learn new techniques. I have a teenager, a more-tha-full-time-job and find that time inhibits something like a blog. But I do like to check in with a few -like yours- from which I gain inspiration. Thanks for your writing. Maybe I'll join the blogosphere when I'm no longer running to band concerts and basketball games and music lessons...that's what keeps me from contributing. But you never know.....maybe one of these days....Dawn

  8. I have also noticed that many of those blogging about sewing are in the 20-30 yr old range. But there are those of out there over 50 (ahem!)who are not afraid of the technology and enjoy the sharing that blogging brings.
    I am so encouraged that sewing is has caught on with the 'younger crowd', and I love the freshness that their viewpoints bring.

  9. I am 59 and love sewing especially for my grandchildren, but I also work full time and though I read many blogs, I don't have time to write one. I also love to knit, embroider and decorate. BTW, turning 50 is not bad at all. I am facing 60 in 9 mos and am just grateful for good health. That is what it is all about...attitude and good health.

  10. Hello his is a list of sewist of age that I visit. I could not find a blog roll list of your favorites so you may already visit these sites.
    Chnnel no. 5; diary of a seing fanatic; did you make that; mis muslin; the snug bug; gigi sews; mezzo couture; sewing adicta; all my seams la sewista; sew intriguing; sewing plum's blog

    I hope you find these useful.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. You might like this blog;


  13. We woman, of a certain age, are sewing. Unfortunately, many are not blogging. I am 60+, and the sewing groups I belong to, are mainly my age, or older, with just a few younger ladies scattered in.

  14. I am 50 and sew every day but I don't blog for two reasons: a) I'd rather spend more time sewing than writing; b) I find the "style" aspect of blogging intimidating and (sometimes and in some bloggers only) irritatingly narcissistic. If you "put yourself out there" you get judged, inevitably. I am happy with my sewing and how it looks on me and I don't need anybody's approval.

  15. "Handmade by Carolyn" is only slightly younger than yourself. She does not work outside the house. Her photography sessions are part of the daily exercise routine she and her dog perform. Finally, she's only been blogging about 2-3 years and often shows garments that were made years ago like 20-30. She uses more light neutrals while you use more black. Don't be so hard on yourself. I do find that most women of a certain age, prefer to quilt and find many more quilting blogs by women of my age. The younger women are more interested in clothing - my particular interest - and take to it with gusto. Sometimes I think they are unhindered by my prejudices (must fit so, seams much be finished etc) and so are able to accomplish much more. One particular young blogger I love is Adventures In Sewing (currently started her first real job and is getting married). There are dressmakers of all ages who are also blogging. You'll find them. Just keep looking.

  16. I apologize for 2 comments on one day, but your post was heart wringing. I think you're feeling the approach of a certain birthday. In truth, we have a lot in common with a large range of ages. The 35-is writer of "Make It Smirk" (she just become a SHAM and has her first in preschool) may seem far younger. But as you read her blog, you realize the years don't seperate us. The common love of life and sewing brings us together.

    You really are not over the hill.

  17. I can think of a few blogs in that demographic, but I think some of the other posters are right in that the blogging part may be inhibiting to a certain age group. That said, many of my favorite bloggers (including most emphatically yourself!) are in the early empty nest time of life.
    A couple of my faves are:
    (That last one is my mom!)

  18. So funny that you should mention this. Just the other day I was telling someone that most of the sewing bloggers I read are older than me while the fashion bloggers are all younger than me. This is not actually true as I think about it, but I do feel like I'm more in the middle of the age range, rather than on the younger end.

    Here are three that might not fit your age range, but they are women who have teenagers, so there might be somethings in common: EricaB usually only posts pattern reviews; Lindsay T is posting less often these days, but she does write occasionally; and Kbenco blogs fairly consistently.

    Nancy K certainly fits the age range and makes STUNNING garments and still shares her learning process. Gorgeous Things posts pattern reviews as well as the occasional in-progress write up.

    That's all I can add to the list others have generated.

  19. Myrna, yours is the first sewing blog I read each day. I sew but don't blog and I'm 60.
    Brenda in the Boro UK

  20. Your post is very interesting and I see why you received so many responses. May I suggest that you purchase a few more of the basics and sew the creative stuff. That's what I do and I'm much more satisfied with my sewing that way.

    As far as sewing blogs by more mature sewists...I think you've gotten a great list. But there are two things at play here...one is that younger women gravitate to the internet for EVERYTHING whereas more mature women do not at least that's the way it works with my daughters! :) So naturally blogging and the time it takes seems more natural to them.

    I also think that they sew patterns pretty much out of the envelope and haven't been subjected to the "sewing rules" like the mature sewist who had home ec in school. However, I think it's really kewl that they've taken to our craft. At least this way we know that it will be perpetuated and not die out and that is very exciting to me.

    And one final thing about being a mature sewist in this internet world...fitting is a challenge and realizing that we aren't young and nubile can really mess with an older woman's psyche. Personally I don't give a hoot, I think my body shows the years I've lived and how I've enjoyed my life but not everyone thinks that way. There may be skilled mature sewists out there that don't want to be out on front street as one of your posters put it...and with good reason! :)

  21. I have a huge list of garment sewing bloggers on my blog, and another couple of lists below that are (a) non-sewing and (b) more focused on quilting and crafting.

    I could be totally off base because I haven't ever really thought too much about it, but my general sense is that more of the garment sewers in my (always growing) list are more in our age group (I'm 48) and the younger bloggers are in the quilting-crafting list. They're on my lists because their writing style or projects (or both) have appealed to me, not because of age.

    And before you ask, no, I don't read each new entry from each blogger every day. ;-) But I do like to skim the list regularly to see what jumps out among those that I do make a point to read regularly.

  22. Hi, Myrna. I just came across your blog via another blog and am extremely excited. I am 55 yrs of age and do sew but have not blogged about much I've sewn lately. Your post really made me sit and take note. Thanks for sharing and I will be following and doing better @ blogging/posting. lol

  23. I am thrilled to finally find quality blogs about sewing - and even more so to find some by more mature women. When my children were young, I did a great deal of sewing, but have been very busy with a teaching principal's career and no time at all to sew. I'm retiring at the end of this year and looking forward to doing all the things I'm interested in - blogging, sewing, knitting, photography,genealogy and too many more things to mention.
