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Friday 14 January 2011

The Kobo Cover

I woke up at five o'clock this morning which was really enough time to go back to sleep since I normally get up at six. My body was willing. My mind was not. It started to calculate all that I could do if I got up now, had my bath before the boys, and spent some time in the studio before leaving for my interview. As soon as I started to think, sleeping was over.

Yesterday, I made a quilted cover for my Kobo. It looks like a small purse. I debated beading and may still add that at some point. For now, it was fun to pull out the threads and play with textile art for just a little bit. Nothing major. Just something fun and for me.

This lime green and black batik print on the inside is my all time favourite. I have about four yards of it left and it's no longer being printed. Instead of carefully hoarding it for God only knows what, I decided to use it. Every time I pull out the Kobo, I'll see this fabric and it will make me happy. This is good.

The main fabric started life as a full skirt, the kind that is gathered in tiers as it goes down. I bought it in a second hand store and wore it to meet an incredibly stylish and fashion conscious friend. When she finally realized, I was actually there, waiting, in the store, she said, "oh, I didn't notice you, just the skirt. Nice." That cinched it. It made me look fat. It had to go so I....

... cut apart all of the squares, layered them over a thin cotton, stipple quilted them in place leaving the raw edges exposed, and the cut up the yardage to sew this top. That was quite a while ago. I've worn the top a few times but again, it's not really my color. The pattern was drafted with Pattern Master Boutique when I was just learning the software and about thirty pounds ago, which means it doesn't fit me all that well. It's been sitting on a shelf for the past two years. I cut it apart and used only the bottom section of the front to make the cover. There's a lot of top left to explore ideas with.

The first step was to fuse Misty Fuse to both sides of the green and black batik, foil the top side, cut it into squares, and scatter and fuse it over the surface. After that, I placed a dark purple with flocked velvet dots overlay and used a variegated rayon thread to stipple it in place going around the dots. Once cut to shape, the edges were zigzagged. To make sure they don't fray, I ran a bead of Fray Check all around. The button is from my stash. So is the snap which was the perfect size, wrong color. Black or bronze would have been better. Oh well, silver works too.

After my interview this morning, I'm having lunch with a friend and then I'm not sure what I'll work on. It may depend on the outcome of the interview. If I already know the answer, and if I'm hired, I may be sewing something to wear to work - LOL. Too fun. Have a great weekend.

Edited at 10:50: The interview went well. I felt very comfortable and feel quite confident about the job IF hired. Throughout the interview, she talked as if I would be hired however, her final remarks were that she's doing a few more interviews and will decide in a week or so. I'll let you know when I know. Thanks for the encouragement.

Talk soon - Myrna

Grateful - everything I needed in the studio to make a cute and practical cover for the Kobo.


  1. Lovely cover for your Kobo!
    Best of luck for the interview!

  2. I made a cover for my Kindle too. The ones they have are too expensive and do not have a look I want to carry with me. I padded it extra to protect the Kindle and it's screen. It fits perfectly in my purse so I always have a book to read when I am waiting for something.

    I love the fabric choices you have made. They express the Myrna that we have come to know and love.

    Good luck on the interview. I just know that you will WOW them!

    Have a great weekend.
    Karen W. in S.W. Ohio

  3. Hi Myrna, I've been a silent reader for some time. Love your blog and your creativity. Today I saw you mentioned Pattern Master Boutique. But all your other posts (that I've read) mention commercial patterns. Do you no longer use PMB? If so, why not? I own "My Pattern Designer". I have never used PMB, but I'm about to make a presentation to my Sewing Guild group about pattern software, and would be interested to hear your opinion about PMB.

    Good luck on the interview

    Thanks, Mary

  4. BElas peças e belas ficuras, parabéns.

    Eilane - Brasil

  5. My kindle cover, which I sewed but never blogged was one of the casualties of the hellish weekend when DH ended up in the hospital/rehab center for six weeks. I need to make a new one. It is a great use for those two fabrics, and much nicer than the skirt.

  6. Love the purse. Good luck with the job hunting. So love the jacket. You are clever and artistic.
