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Monday 3 January 2011

Inspire & Improve

For the first time in a really long time, as 2010 became 2011, I greeted the new year without a business. Although things were already winding down then, at the beginning of last year I was compiling the pieces for my final exhibit. This year, the exhibit is over, all is finished, and the business has become a piece of my past. I'm no longer "for sale" which is both strange and strangely wonderful. I am very much enjoying not being in business.

My word for both 2009 and 2010 was connect. After the first year, I felt I hadn't accomplished my goals for choosing that word which were to connect with myself, with my creativity, with like-minded individuals, with the world beyond my studio, with so many things that the list could go on forever. Perhaps that's why it took two years. After the first one, I was on my way but had some distance still to travel.

In retrospect, the greatest thing I needed to connect with was my creativity. Creativity that had nothing to do with what "they" might want or need or buy and everything to do with what my curiosity could create for personal and private enjoyment. I've reached that point. Happily, there are no business ideas dancing in my head. They've been replaced with Myrna ideas.

Having chosen the same word for two years, it's somewhat ironic that I've chosen two words for this year. They are inspire and improve.

By inspire, I mean to pay attention to details resulting in an increased awareness of the world around me that both gives and receives inspiration, transferring it to all areas of life... or as many as possible. It's an extension of those creativity questions how can I and what if. I want to be more aware, more open, to truly see, and to allow what I see to inspire and affect my life by translating inspiration into both creativity and daily living and by passing it on through my thoughts and actions. I want to be inspired and to be inspiring.

In choosing the word improve, I am thinking of it as a program running in the background, one that I hope becomes a positive influence throughout the next 365 days as it questions both thought and action. Improve may mean taking an action; it may mean not taking one. Improve will involve honesty and intuitiveness and accountability at a core level which will be tough work at first and become - hopefully - second nature as I repetitively follow up those thinking patterns. I imagine it could be similar to learning to listen to your inner artist. We'll see.

Inspire and improve are ambiguous goals. I am not required to lose twenty pounds or exercise every other day or cook five times a week. Nothing numerical or defined. Those types of goals no longer work for me. I prefer instead to gently and willing move in the direction of change as opposed to enforcing it. I find the results longer lasting and more effective. That doesn't mean I don't have some definite goals. I do.

With sewing, I want to improve my quality of workmanship, explore texture and detail, focus more on design, and continue to refashion. With the blog, I want to learn to write with more expression and description, to create more interesting imagery, and to become more comfortable in front of the camera. Is this possible? Who knows. I'll walk in that direction and see what happens. One thing I have learned with goals is the importance of flexibility. Often goals are accomplished through entirely different routes than originally anticipated.

Two of the goals I worked on last year were to learn to sew bras and to learn to sew jeans. I've learned that it takes a good half dozen bras to get the fit somewhat perfected - ditto with jeans - and that the fabric factor adds a continuous curve ball. Now, I want to improve how I sew bras and how I sew jeans and many other things and then pass that learning on.

Instead of resolutions, Sal at AlreadyPretty asked some interesting questions. They were: What did you learn about your body this year? What did you learn about your personal style? What was your greatest body image triumph? Your best purchase? How did your self image change in 2010?

I've gained a greater acceptance of my body, that it is curvier than I thought and I'm okay with that and that it's more well proportioned than I thought and I'm thankful. My question with my personal style is how to make that style interesting and exciting when I keep returning to the same lines repetitively. The answer is in the details which is one reason I want to focus on texture this year. As well, it's in acceptance. For me, a few clothes with some fabulous accessories is good and enough. My style personality is not drawn to extensive wardrobes. I'm still working on my greatest body image triumph. It's getting used to how I look in photographs. I am less critical and more accepting than I used to be, not quite so nit picky. That's an excellent image change, to accept and love rather than to criticize and reject.

My best purchase last year? I think Sal was referring to a garment but possibly not. I sewed some fun clothing. My favourites are the refashioned garments because of the way they challenge my creativity. There were no significant purchases in the studio or the house. Outside, we finished the back deck and the exterior trim around the studio doors and added three huge planters to our front porch. The first two made the studio more pleasant and the last one added incredible beauty to the porch and prevented the furniture from sliding across the deck every time the wind blew. Much better.

My mother-in-law wanted pictures for Christmas, which worked for me because I wanted them too. We tried two days in a row. On the first day, it started snowing and by the end we all looked like we had a major case of dandruff. On the second, the wind was blowing so my hair isn't nearly as nice as I would have liked for posterity. Oh well.

It was fabulous to have my daughter and son-in-law home. Everyone took the chore chart on the fridge quite well and helped out significantly. I didn't feel like the maid. I had a wonderful break. We were invited out to a friend's home for New Year's eve. The first time in years and years and a nice change. Yesterday, Howard and the boys went to his parents for the day and I had about ten hours to myself. Bliss. I was desperate for some time alone. I'm not used to people in the house all the time. Howard and Aryck have another week off. Kyle goes back to school tomorrow. I'm looking forward to the return to routine next week.

I've been reading the year in review and goals for 2011 on other blogs and I'm amazed at some people's productivity. I don't keep track of what I sew. Perhaps I should. It might be interesting information. Either way, I wish all of us - you and me - an amazingly creative 2011 filled with family, friends, time for self, growth, learning, and many happy moments. Thank you for reading my blog. I'm glad you're a part of my life.

Talk soon - Myrna

Grateful - a wonderful holiday break


  1. Myrna,
    What a lovely family you have!
    Thanks for being a part of MY life through your blog.
    I don't think you don't keep track of what you sew. You don't do it with precise charts or extensive lists but you certainly do it through your blog!
    Love your 2011 words. You certainly inspire ME!

  2. Welcome back to blogland, it was a happy morning for me to see a new post from you; I always am inspired, interested and challenged (in a good way) to read what you have written, and I missed your online voice while you were away. And what a treat to see your family, now when you write about them I will be able to visualise what they look like.

    Here's to a year of growth and creativity!

  3. Bonne Annee Myrna,
    You do look gorgeous. Thanks for the photos. It seems as if your family enjoyed the holiday time together.
    It is good to see you being kind to yourself.
    I am looking forward to a brand new year, never forgeting to treasure each day, each moment.
    I thank you for all your past inspiration and that of the coming days.
    With love,

  4. Happy New Year! I really like your family photos.
    I have enjoyed reading your blog during 2010 and now on into 2011 - they are thought provoking posts and encourage me to try new or different things or learn to look at things in new ways. Thank you!

  5. How lovely to see photos of your family, Myrna. You all look happy to be together, even if it was cold and snowy/windy/rainy.

    I'm still thinking about my word for the year. Nothing has come to me yet. But it will.

  6. Your pictures are great and everyone looks so happy. Have you thought about writing a fiction novel? Your writing style is awesome. You are excellent at describing different situations and the emotions involved in deal with it. You have been a source of food for thought and inspiration for me since you started this blog.

  7. Love your post and the photos are just super. Happy New Year:)

  8. So glad that you posted pictures of your family. It seems to bring a new dimension to your blog as we can attach faces and names.

    Have a blessed and happy new year. I will continue to follow your blog.

    Karen W. in S.W. Ohio

  9. What a lovely set of family photos and what lovely words for the new year. I've been holding off on reconnecting with your blog because I wanted to catch up with EVERYTHING, but I accept now that it will never happen. What is missed is just that, gone, but I will start here and see what you are up to.
