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Monday 2 May 2011

Twisted Rippled And Wrinkly

There's no point having a dressform if her measurements fail to mimic your own. I had to dial up Millicent. "She" has gained weight - in the past eighteen months - since I last sewed this Burda 8213 skirt - some hip and waist inches. No wonder my clothes were looking better on her - LOL. Too bad my bust didn't increase to balance the hips since now I'm even more bottom heavy than before. Oh well. What's so frustrating is that next month it could be gone, suddenly, just like that. Hopefully not on the night I want to wear this skirt.

A striped, polka dot, or floral lining would have been fun only... I wanted to use stash stuff as much as possible so the lining is black. Luckily, I had purple serger cones to match the raw silk and purple thread for the sewing machine. The only thing I bought was an invisible zipper and even then, I could have used the regular one that I did have only the benefits of an invisible seemed to warrant the purchase.

Purple stitching makes the lining more fun than plain black. I serged the edges and then stitched and pressed the seams open. No one sees these edges, not even me since they're right sides together with the inside of the skirt, BUT... it's like lovely lingerie. It adds a moment that I know is there.

The lining is done although it looks all twisted, rippled, and wrinkly on Millicent. It's a bit tight on me. I'll need to see if I can sit down comfortably in it otherwise a few seam allowances will need to be let out. First, I'll put on the correct undergarments and see how it looks and decide from there. The skirt will have more ease through the hips although I'll leave the waist snug since that part of me especially fluctuates significantly and something has to hold it up.

On one hand I use up and on the other I stock up stash. Friday morning, while I was working, my table partner was cleaning the bargain section and kept bringing bolts to be remnanted. There was one meter of this rose printed knit for a dollar. That's enough for a tank top or a short skirt. Sigh. Guess who now owns one more meter of fabric.

Saturday morning, I had breakfast with a friend, by the window, in a downtown cafe. The sun was shining and lovely to look at through the glass although we were glad to be inside rather than out on the patio. Some tried it and looked chilled. It was warm but not that warm.

Yesterday, I worked. We could see the sun through the windows. How nice to be out of the mall and have an idea of what's going on outside. The weather was gorgeous, 21 degrees. Perhaps spring, maybe even summer, is finally on its way. I hope so. This morning, I'm cleaning house and then working on the skirt some more. Maybe I'll have sun in the studio.

Talk soon - Myrna

Grateful - today is federal election day in Canada. Although we've had way too many elections in too short of years, I'm grateful for the right to vote in a world were others are dying for it. I hope there's a record turnout.

1 comment:

  1. The purple thread on black is a wonderful touch. That rose print knit looks fabulous. I wish we had a store around here where I could get a lovely fabric like that.
