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Friday 30 July 2010

Its A ______________ !

It's hard to believe this is the August long weekend. I feel like I missed most of July. I plan to REALLY enjoy August. It's my last month of school summer holidays with Kyle heading into grade twelve although I guess I can count next year too. I probably will. My life has been running by the school calendar for twenty years now. I doubt that will change.

Caroline and I had a wonderful day together. She sewed for a bit, we had lunch, she sewed some more, we went to Fabricland, she sewed some more, and at the end of the day she wore her new bra home. It fit really well. A bit of tweaking here and there but nothing major. She was thrilled.

I started a Aqua lace bra with white bands and white lace. It's at the channeling step. The whole thing is not hard but - of the steps - I find channeling the fiddliest. Too fiddly to finish up in the morning before blogging. My eyes aren't working that well yet - LOL.

Just go in there, close your eyes, and pick up a piece of fabric. Open your eyes and say this should be a (use the first word that pops into your mind). Then make it. Bev's comment from the other day is still giving me the giggles. It's just too fun. The bra started with a t-shirt. I bought it in my super skinny days, stored it for a long while (like ten years maybe) and can fit into it now but it's just a little too fitted and little too see through for comfort. I decided to refashion it. It's a BRA!

The sleeve had quite a high cap. I traced it before cutting it up so I can compare the shape to my T & T pattern and see what I think. The two sleeves had enough fabric for the bra. If I combine the rest with white fabric and white lace, I'll be able to use the front and back pieces to make two pairs of panties to go with. Fun.

My goal with this bra was to have a neater finish at the top of the bridge. I think I've done that by adding the lace across the bridge as well as the cups. Once the channeling is added, the seam allowances will both point toward the middle and lay flatter and the lace will look continuous. With each bra, my skills are improving.

This morning is banking and errands. After that I hope to finish the bra and start on a t-shirt. I can't finish the pants to go with until I order the fabric from BraMakersSupply along with some white cup fabric. I liked their cup and band fabrics better than the ones I bought from SewSassy and since they're Canadian, it's less expensive and quicker. No duty. No border. I also need stretch lace for the waistbands. Neither website had a phenomenal selection but - thankfully - both had better prices than those ridiculous ones at Fabricland the other day so I'll have to decide which is prettier and order from there. This weekend - more sewing, reading, resting. Next week, I have company.

Talk soon - Myrna

Grateful - as she was leaving Caroline commented that I was really good at teaching which was a nice confirmation of my decision and a bonus to a wonderful day together.


  1. Wow - you are sewing your own bras? You are my new sewing hero!

  2. That's a lovely bra. I still haven't done any lace on mine yet. I've always had elastic at the top edge, which then covers the ends of the channeling. How does your channeling end at the center front?

  3. That's a lovely bra and it sounds like a wonderful day.

  4. How fun, what a great repurpose.

  5. See it works! Your fabric does speak to you.

    Beautiful bra.

    keep sewing.
