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Tuesday 20 July 2010

The Bye Bye Boys Stay Home Alone Retreat

It's time for the annual Bye Bye Boys Stay Home Alone retreat. For the past six or seven years, Howard and the boys - along with friends - have gone to a four day Christian rock concert called CreationFest in Washington, USA. This year, there are two men and four boys although at almost 21 Aryck is only a boy to his mother and the US border agents. Because his birthday isn't until August, I still had to write him a permission slip this year. Next year, he's on his own.

The trip will be a bit different with Howard's recent surgery. Everyone else will have to bend, lift, twist, and reach and they'll all have to stop every 20-30 minutes for him to walk around the vehicle and stretch. It was unanimous. They were willing. Everyone was afraid the surgery would mean no trip.

The boys go and I stay home. Some times alone. Sometimes with friends. This year, my cousin is coming to visit from Winnipeg. She's a year younger. We reconnected a few years ago and found that while we had nothing in common as children, we have a lot in common as adults. What fun. Together, we make her husband laugh. Apparently we talk and act alike and say similar things, which is quite interesting since she neither sews nor knits. Can you imagine!

Karen will be here until Friday afternoon and then I'll have a day and a bit to myself before the boys come back. I plan to sew although - as you know - I've been making plans to sew for quite a while and - as of today - it's been a complete month since Howard first went into the hospital and since my sewing routine went out the window. Here's hoping.

Karen is also allergic to gluten and dairy and a few other things. It's my fault, just as it is with a few other friends. They'd complain about something or other and I'd say well.... that could be gluten and sure enough, they'd give it up, and feel better. Works for me! I have company and help with baking and cooking ideas. Yesterday, I made some granola for our breakfasts as well as...

... tried a new brand (to me at least) of gluten free products called Only Oats. These are the cinnamon spice muffins although I substituted pumpkin puree and molasses for two of the eggs and added more cinnamon and ginger. I was winging it and surprise, surprise, they worked. They're fluffy and moist. Four eggs was too many. I can handle one or two but after that my mouth burns.

I'm just getting over a mistake from the reunion. When she brought the refill, I think the waitress brought me a real versus a diet Coke or Pepsi or whatever it was they were serving. The diet versions don't have corn syrup; the real versions do. I ended up with a bright red face and a rash all through my mouth, nostrils, and throat that lasted a few days. It's painful and VERY annoying.

The boys should leave in an hour and a half and then I'll run around like a maniac and clean house. There's no point doing it before when six guys are loading up a van. After that, I'm off to the airport. I have soup in the crockpot for our lunch and we'll spend the rest of the day visiting. Howard asked will you be able to just talk for four days. Yes - no problem.

Talk soon - Myrna

Grateful - a visit from family


  1. You must be really excited that Howard is able to go with the guys. It certainly is progress since he originally started having problems. Praise the Lord.

    Maybe you can get back to sewing realizing that Howard is healing and you don't have the heavy load of responsibility to carry.

    Last evening I came home in tears. My manager was changed to a former manager that was difficult to deal with. I sat down and talked to DH, fixed dinner and high tailed it to the sewing machine. Four hours later I came back to the living room in a must better frame of mind. Nothing had changed except my attitude. It felt wonderful!

    Hang in there and tell us about the next piece of clothing your are going to make. Maybe another T&T tee shirt with the gathers like the one you showed us earlier.

    Your friend in S.W. Ohio, Karen

  2. I'm slightly amused by you having to write a letter for your son. Here in Australia we are a week or so away from a massive three day music festival called Splendour in the Grass. Teenagers as young as 15 travel from all over Australia to attend this festival. Our legal drinking age is 18 and our age of consent is 16. It shouldn't do, but it surprises me how young some of the kids are at this festival. Underage kids get a different coloured wristband so they can't buy alcohol, but they still manage to run riot for the weekend.

  3. Lost the first post - here goes again. You deserve some R & R, especially with a loved relative. Go for long walks, your weather looks divine. As for the HS reunion, glad that you went and reconnected w/some. Your skirt and top were of the moment and doesn't hurt that you have great looking legs. Enjoy.....you have earned it...............Lydia
