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Wednesday 24 August 2011

In Transition

For some things, I have infinite patience. For others, none at all. Upgrades would fit into that last category. It annoys me to no end to have a process all figured out and then it changes. I'm a turn the key and the car runs kind of girl. I don't need to know how.

On Sunday, Howard upgraded the keyboard, the mouse, and several of the programs on my computer and something was missed. Not all functions are working such as the publish button on Blogger. Go figure. Yesterday, I wrote the posting from my lap top. Today, I'm trying the not so new - as in it's been out for years but I've been ignoring it - editor format and so far, it's working. I may be forced to change.

The dress fabric is folded and back in the closet. A dress wasn't what I wanted to sew right now. The shrug pattern was copied, then refolded and put back in stash. It reminded me of Vogue 2934 with its waistless - and extremely unflattering on me - shape. I wasn't in the mood for a wadder if I could help it.

It appears that I am once again in transition, between two things, with a vague description of the direction I'm heading in. It has many similarities to an unwanted upgrade. I'm not quite done at Fabricland; there are four more shifts. After that, I'll be home for a while until I hear about the job I've applied for or until I move in a different direction. I've decided to assume that they will eventually interview and hire me because I know this is a job I want. I'm realistic enough to know that I might not be what they are looking for however, I'll deal with that when and if. For now, I'm going to walk in that direction.

Coming back home, I don't want to slip into jeans and a black t-shirt again. I've enjoyed getting dressed up more and there's no reason why I can't continue to dress like that at home on some level plus it'll provide motivation for what to sew. My work is transitioning. So are the seasons. My wardrobe needs input.

The job I've applied for is in an academic environment. It's an on-call position involving secretarial work in different departments at the university, some of which dress more professionally than others. While it's not jeans, it's not three piece suits either so there's room for diversity in my wardrobe.

I'm starting with the Burda 7400 pants. I'd show you the picture but it refuses to go where I want it to so I'll edit and add later from my laptop (which took forever as well. LOL - I guess I'm not always grateful for new learning).

I read through Sham's posting about this pattern yesterday and have cut one size smaller in the front than the back to accommodate the combined sizes/excessive ease drafting of the pattern. Right now, I'm debating the length. It's 43". With my 1" petite adjustment, that's currently 42" and my waist to floor length is 40". I'm debating how much to shorten the leg by to accommodate the fullness needed for the bottom cuff. I think I can do this later as the leg is basically straight from the knee.

This morning, I'm out for coffee with a friend, and then cleaning, and then I'll start on these.

Talk soon - Myrna

- the sharing of other blogs and pattern reviews

1 comment:

  1. I wish you all the best in getting the job you have applied for, and hope that it fulfils all your expectations. And of course the opportunity to dress up some, sounds nice for once in a while!
    And thank you for your nice comment about my skirt
